“一带一路” 背景下老挝与中国双边贸易发展的研究

Research on the Development of Bilateral Trade between Laos and China under the Background of the "the Belt and Road" Initiative

















1. 詹一览,陈俭,黄巧香. 中国—老挝农产品贸易竞争性与互补性研究[J]. 世界农业,2017,(07):138-143. 2. 康坤. 中国与老挝农产品贸易竞争性和互补性研究[D].福建师范大学,2020. 3. 陈心怡,贝淑华. “一带一路”背景下中老林产品贸易现状及发展研究[J]. 中国林业经济,2021,(01):46-48. 4. 季沙迈(INDALA CHITSAMAY). 老中农产品贸易研究[D].苏州大学,2021. 5. 曹玉昆,叶沙拿,吴天博. 中国与老挝木质林产品贸易合作的竞争性与互补性分析[J]. 林业科技通讯,2021,(10):19-24. 6. 韩爱玲. CAFTA背景下中国与老挝双边贸易发展研究[J]. 合作经济与科技,2014,(11):47-48. 7. 万赛(DOUANGKHAM VANXAY). 老挝与中国双边贸易发展研究[D].哈尔滨师范大学,2014. 8. 佟湾. 中国-东盟自贸区构建对老中贸易及老挝经济增长的影响[J]. 保定学院学报,2015,28(02):22-26. 9. 赵丽芳. CAFTA背景下中国与老挝贸易发展状况分析[J]. 中国商论,2015,(33):128-130. 10. 吴嘉格. 老挝对中国出口贸易商品结构分析[D].云南财经大学,2017. 11. Tongseng Vuemoua. 老挝—中国农业贸易关系及其对老挝经济增长的影响[D].吉林大学,2019. 12. 唐志华. 老挝与中国双边贸易合作的比较分析[J]. 中国商贸,2013,(24):133-134. 13. 张明文. 老挝与中国双边贸易问题分析[J]. 商,2015,(30):113. 14. Ammaly CHANTHAPHONE. 东盟与中国自由贸易协定对老挝的挑战与机遇[D].华东政法大学,2019. 15. 万妮达. 老挝与中国双边贸易问题研究[J]. 商,2015,(11):87. 16. 万妮达. 老挝与中国双边贸易问题研究[D].首都经济贸易大学,2015. 17. 苏岚. 中国与老挝双边贸易发展的比较分析[J]. 商场现代化,2016,(18):31-32. 18. 杨光恩. 老挝—中国边境贸易发展研究[D].广西师范大学,2017. 19. 郝庆升,PATTHAVONG BOUNLEM. 老挝香蕉出口中国的贸易现状及问题分析[J]. 南方农业,2019,13(29):80-81. 20. 安妮. 中老双边贸易的问题及对策探讨[J]. 中国商贸,2012,(31):202-203. 21. 王明德. 中国老挝双边贸易经济技术合作问题研究[D].华东师范大学,2014. 22. 郑国富. 中国与老挝双边贸易合作关系(1990~2012年)[J]. 东南亚纵横,2014,(02):76-79. 23. 苏提. 老挝在中国—东盟自由贸易区中面临的机遇和挑战[J]. 东南亚纵横,2007,(10):62-65. 24. 宋文思. 中国老挝边境贸易现状分析及发展对策[D].云南大学,2015. 25. 张建中. 新形势下中国与老挝双边贸易关系研究[J]. 东南亚纵横,2012,(01):29-33. 26. 黄莎莎. 中国与老挝双边贸易的特征及其发展趋势探讨[J]. 现代商业,2014,(11):39. 27. 迈满(MONGTULA MAIMANH). 试析中国—东盟自贸区背景下的老挝与中国经贸发展[D].广西师范大学,2014. 28. 郑国富. “一带一路”倡议下中国与老挝农产品贸易合作发展的成效、问题与建议[J]. 对外经贸,2020,(12):49-52. 29. 保建云. 中国与老挝两国双边贸易发展特点及其存在的问题分析[J]. 学术探索,2007,(03):36-41. 30. 鄢波,赵聪,杜军. “一带一路”背景下中国与老挝双边贸易潜力实证研究[J]. 广西财经学院学报,2018,31(01):63-72. 31. 婉妮莎. “一带一路”背景下老挝与中国贸易潜力研究[D].福建师范大学,2021. 32. 钱风(NANTHAVONG CHANSANA). 老挝与中国双边贸易潜力研究[D].河北大学,2022. 33. 潘玮柏(PHOMMASENG AMIT). 中国-东盟自由贸易区对老中贸易的影响研究[D].湖南大学,2021. 34. 沐雅楠(PHETLAMPHANH AMMONE). 老挝与中国双边贸易潜力与对策研究[D].海南大学,2020. 35. 朱妮娜,付建文. 中国贸易便利化综合指数对双边贸易发展引力模型分析[J]. 中国集体经济,2018,(07):69-70. 36. 张灿. 中国—东盟双边贸易发展对策研究[J]. 经济研究导刊,2016,(13):175+185. 37. 郑国富. 中国与马来西亚双边贸易发展状况及提升路径[J]. 对外经贸实务,2016,(04):24-27. 38. Gemueva K. A.. Chinese Investment in Transport Infrastructure in the EU: a Stimulus for Development of Bilateral Trade?[J]. Outlines of global transformations: politics, economics, law,2019,12(6). 39. India China Industrial Park Project Landed Officially and Sino-Indian Bilateral Trade Cooperation Accelerated[J]. M2 Presswire,2019. 40. Mitra jalerajabi. Computing Cost of Agricultural Bilateral Trade and Exploring the Effective Factors for Iran's Bilateral Trade with Developed and developing countries[J]. Agricultural Economics & Development,2014,1391(6). 41. Santeramo Fabio Gaetano,Lamonaca Emilia. On the trade effects of bilateral SPS measures in developed and developing countries[J]. The World Economy,2022,45(10). 42. Saputra Putu Mahardika Adi. Corruption perception and bilateral trade flows: Evidence from developed and developing countries[J]. Journal of International Studies,2019,12(1). 43. Sustainability Research - Sustainable Development; Study Findings on Sustainable Development Are Outlined in Reports from Visva Bharati University (Addressing the Carbon Emissions Embodied In India's Bilateral Trade With Two Eminent Annex-ii Parties: With Input-output and Spatial Decomposition ...)[J]. Global Warming Focus,2020. 44. Vorobyova N V,Gracheva D O,Bannikova N V,Telnova N N,Cheremnykh M B. Perspective directions of the agri-food market development in the system of bilateral foreign trade relations between Azerbaijan and the Stavropol Territory[J]. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science,2021,745(1).






KOUANGVANH PHONEXAY. “一带一路” 背景下老挝与中国双边贸易发展的研究[D]. 西南政法大学,2024.



  • dc.title
  • “一带一路” 背景下老挝与中国双边贸易发展的研究
  • dc.title
  • Research on the Development of Bilateral Trade between Laos and China under the Background of the "the Belt and Road" Initiative
  • dc.contributor.schoolno
  • WS202102020005
  • dc.contributor.author
  • dc.contributor.affiliation
  • 经济学院(数字经济学院)
  • dc.contributor.degree
  • 硕士
  • dc.contributor.childdegree
  • 经济学硕士学位
  • dc.contributor.degreeConferringInstitution
  • 西南政法大学
  • dc.identifier.year
  • 2024
  • dc.contributor.direction
  • 应用经济学
  • dc.contributor.advisor
  • 陈怡安
  • dc.contributor.advisorAffiliation
  • 经济学院(数字经济学院)
  • dc.language.iso
  • 中文
  • dc.subject
  • 一带一路,老挝,中国,双边贸易
  • dc.subject
  • Key words: "Belt and Road"; Laos; China; Bilateral trade
  • dc.description.abstract
  • 在当前全球化和经济一体化的背景下,“一带一路”倡议成为了中国开展国际合作和促进经济增长的重要平台。老挝作为中国的重要邻国,是“一带一路”战略中的重要合作伙伴之一。随着“一带一路”建设的推进,老挝与中国的双边贸易发展也呈现出新的机遇和挑战。一方面,老挝政府在与中国经济贸易往来的过程中,寻找到了自己的机会。例如,老挝与中国地理上的接近性为双边贸易提供了便利条件、老挝与中国在经济结构和资源禀赋上互补性较强等。但与此同时,老挝与中国的贸易往来也存在一定的发展障碍,老挝国内传统文化、基础设施发展、人才储备等各方面的因素都对老挝与中国双边贸易发展产生了不同程度的影响。如何最大限度地利用“一带一路”倡议来发展老挝本国经济,是老挝政府亟需解决的重要关键。本文以老挝与中国双边贸易发展为主要研究对象,通过现状分析、SWOT分析和实证分析,揭示了“一带一路”背景下,老挝与中国双边贸易发展的前路。本文主要从以下三个方面展开研究:(1)从老挝与中国的双边贸易措施、双边贸易额及其对GDP的贡献、双边贸易结构三个方面分析“一带一路”背景下老挝与中国双边贸易发展的现状。(2)利用SWOT分析法,对“一带一路”背景下老挝与中国双边贸易发展的问题进行分析,并提出相应的对策建议。(3)以老挝与中国双边贸易进口额、出口额和总额为研究对象,构建贸易引力模型的方式,计算老挝与中国双边贸易潜力,分析“一带一路”背景下老挝与中国双边贸易发展情况。通过研究,本文得出了以下结论:(1)在“一带一路”背景下,老挝与中国的双边贸易得到了积极的推动和支持。(2)“一带一路”背景下,老挝与中国的双边贸易发展潜力总体上得到了充分的挖掘。(3)尽管在“一带一路”倡议下,老挝与中国的双边贸易发展呈现一片良好的趋势,但是在老中双边贸易发展中仍存在一些问题,需要通过老挝和中国双方的努力才能更好地为“一带一路”发展添砖加瓦。
  • dc.description.abstract
  • In the current context of globalization and economic integration, the Belt and Road initiative has become an important platform for China to carry out international cooperation and promote economic growth. As an important neighbor of China, Laos is one of the important cooperative partners in the "Belt and Road" strategy. With the promotion of the "Belt and Road" construction, the development of bilateral trade between Laos and China has also presented new opportunities and challenges.On the one hand, the Lao government has found its own opportunities in the process of economic and trade exchanges with China. For example, the geographical proximity between Laos and China provides convenient conditions for bilateral trade, and Laos and China are highly complementary in terms of economic structure and resource endowment. However, at the same time, there are some obstacles to the development of trade between Laos and China. Domestic traditional culture, infrastructure development, talent reserve and other factors have different influence on the bilateral development of trade between Laos and China. How to make maximum use of the "Belt and Road" initiative to develop the'economy is an important key for the Lao government to solve.Taking the development of bilateral trade between Laos and China as the main research object, this paper reveals the future development of bilateral trade between Laos and China under the background of "Belt and Road" through the current situation analysis, SWOT analysis and empirical analysis, This paper mainly studies the following three aspects: (1) analyzes the current situation of bilateral trade between Laos and China under the background of "Belt and Road" from three aspects of bilateral trade measures, bilateral trade measures, bilateral trade volume and its contribution to GDP, and bilateral trade structure.(2) The SWOT analysis method is used to analyze the development of bilateral trade between Laos and China under the background of "Belt and Road", and put forward corresponding countermeasures and suggestions.(3) Taking the import amount, export amount and total amount of bilateral trade between Laos and China as the research object, construct the trade gravity model, calculate the bilateral trade potential of Laos and China, and analyze the development of bilateral trade between Laos and China under the background of "Belt and Road".Through the study, this paper draws the following conclusions: (1) under the background of "Belt and Road", the bilateral trade between Laos and China has been actively promoted and supported.(2) Under the background of "Belt and Road", the bilateral trade between Laos and China has been fully tapped.(3) Although the bilateral trade between Laos and China has shown a good trend under the Belt and Road initiative, there are still some problems in the development of bilateral trade between Laos and China, The efforts of both Laos and China are needed to better contribute to the development of the Belt and Road program.
  • dc.date.issued
  • 2024-05-31
  • dc.date.oralDefense
  • 2024-05-19
  • dc.relation.citedreferences
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