
Research on the Assessment of Green Investment Efficiency and Its Influencing Factors in RCEP Partner Countries by China

















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谭澜. 中国对RCEP伙伴国绿色投资效率测度及影响因素研究[D]. 西南政法大学,2024.



  • dc.title
  • 中国对RCEP伙伴国绿色投资效率测度及影响因素研究
  • dc.title
  • Research on the Assessment of Green Investment Efficiency and Its Influencing Factors in RCEP Partner Countries by China
  • dc.contributor.schoolno
  • 20220254000174
  • 谭澜
  • dc.contributor.affiliation
  • 经济学院(数字经济学院)
  • 硕士
  • dc.contributor.childdegree
  • 国际商务硕士专业学位
  • dc.contributor.degreeConferringInstitution
  • 西南政法大学
  • dc.identifier.year
  • 2024
  • dc.contributor.direction
  • 国际商务
  • dc.contributor.advisor
  • 汪毅霖
  • dc.contributor.advisorAffiliation
  • 经济学院(数字经济学院)
  • dc.language.iso
  • 中文
  • dc.subject
  • 综合技术效率
  • dc.subject
  • Comprehensive Investment Efficiency;Green Economy;Sustainable Develop- ment; SBM-DEA Model
  • dc.description.abstract
  • 党的二十大报告指出,要加强生态环境保护,坚持“绿色、循环、低碳发展”。绿色投资既是解决环境问题,降低碳排放的重要手段,也是绿色发展的主要动力。我们要进一步深化认识绿色投资的内涵与外延。推进我国绿色投资效率评估及影响因素分析的研究,有助于帮助我国了解自身绿色投资的具体劣势点,更好地践行习近平总书记提出的“两山”理论。RCEP协定提出的目的之一是为了促进各国要素资源流通、实现各国互联互通。RCEP伙伴国与我国在绿色经济发展领域有着密切的双边贸易往来,在繁忙双边贸易的同时,沿线的发展中国家受限于资金、技术、制度等多方面因素制约,导致绿色投资效率普遍低下,这极大地影响了我国与RCEP伙伴国间绿色发展的要素流通以及技术转移,这与RCEP协定的战略宗旨是相悖的。我国需要增加对伙伴国的绿色投资效率的了解,以帮助我国针对不同国家绿色投资效率水平,制定对相应国家的投资政策。因此,科学测算绿色投资效率,分析其影响因素和内在机制,对于促进我国经济社会可持续发展、实现美丽中国伟大愿景具有重要的理论和现实意义。本文首先对绿色投资进行了系统概述,接着从绿色投资环境和规模两大方面分析了绿色投资现状。在此基础上,进一步综合评价中国在RCEP伙伴国的绿色投资效率。本文选取RCEP的10个成员国2009年至2021年的面板数据,采用SBM-DEA模型测度绿色投资效率并揭示其区域差异特征;采用GML指数法分析这一时期绿色投资效率的时空演化特征。然后,本文进一步采用Tobit模型开展实证研究。本文选取经济发展水平和进出口总额作为经济指标,产业结构和科技水平为技术指标,城镇化程度、对外开放程度和制度质量为社会指标,拟从经济、技术和社会三个层面考察了绿色投资效率的影响因素。SBM模型和GML指数效率测算表明:从静态时间角度考虑,我国对RCEP伙伴国的绿色投资效率的地区差异明显;从动态时间角度考虑,2003年至2021年我国绿色投资效率总体呈现上升趋势,但仍未达到最优状态,这主要是由于规模效率低造成的。Tobit模型回归结果表明:在国家层面上,绿色投资效率受经济发展水平和政府监管水平的正向影响,而受产业结构、开放程度和城镇化水平的负向影响;在区域层面上,绿色投资效率的影响因素呈现出异质性,不同区域的效率影响因素存在差异。最后,本文基于理论分析和实证结果,从经济层面、制度层面和区域层面提出了一系列提高绿色投资效率的对策和建议。
  • dc.description.abstract
  • The report of the 20th CPC National Congress points out that it is necessary to strengthen ecological environmental protection and adhere to "green, circular and low-carbon development". Green investment is not only an important means to solve environmental problems and reduce carbon emissions, but also the main driving force for green development. We should further deepen our understanding of the connotation and extension of green investment. Promoting research on the assessment of the efficiency of green investment in China and the analysis of its influencing factors will help China understand the specific disadvantages of its own green investment and better practice the "two mountains" theory proposed by General Secretary Xi Jinping.One of the purposes of the RCEP agreement is to promote the circulation of factor resources and realize the connectivity of countries.Nowadays,RCEP partner countries have close bilateral trade exchanges with our country in the field of green economic development.Although the bilateral trade is busy, the developing countries within RCEP are limited by many factors such as capital, technology, and system, which leads to the general inefficiency of the green investment. It greatly influences the green development between our country and the RCEP partner countries. This greatly affects the flow of green development factors and technology transfer between China and RCEP partner countries, which is contrary to the strategic purpose of the RCEP agreement. China needs to increase its understanding of the green investment efficiency of partner countries to help it formulate investment policies for different countries according to their green investment efficiency levels. Therefore, scientific measurement of green investment efficiency and analysis of its influencing factors are of great significance for promoting China's sustainable development and realizing the great vision of a beautiful China.This paper first provides a systematic overview of green investment. Then it analyzes the current situation of green investment from two aspects: green investment environment and green investment scale. On this basis, this paper further comprehensively evaluates the efficiency of China's green investment in RCEP partner countries. This paper selects the panel data of 10 RCEP member countries from 2009 to 2021, and adopts the SBM-DEA model to measure the green investment efficiency and reveal its spatial difference characteristics; it also adopts the GML index method to analyze the spatial and temporal evolution characteristics of green investment efficiency in this period. Then, this paper further adopts Tobit model to carry out empirical research. In the regression analysis, this paper selects the level of economic development and the total amount of import and export as economic indicators, the degree of urbanization, the industrial structure and the level of science and technology as technological indicators, and the degree of opening up to the outside world and the quality of the system as social indicators, and examines the influencing factors of the green investment efficiency from the three dimensions of the economy, society and technology.The SBM model and GML index efficiency measurement show that: from the static time perspective, the regional differences in the efficiency of China's green investment in RCEP partner countries are obvious; from the dynamic time perspective, China's green investment efficiency generally shows an upward trend from 2003 to 2021, but it still hasn't reached the optimal state, which is mainly due to the low efficiency of the scale.The Tobit model regression results show that: At the national level, green investment efficiency is positively affected by the level of economic development and government regulation, and negatively affected by the industrial structure, degree of openness and level of urbanization; At the regional level, the influencing factors of green investment efficiency show heterogeneity, and there are differences in the influencing factors of efficiency in different regions. Finally, based on the theoretical analysis and empirical results, this paper puts forward a series of countermeasures and suggestions to improve the efficiency of green investment from the economic level, institutional level and regional level.
  • 2024-05-31
  • 2024-05-19
  • dc.relation.citedreferences
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