
A Study of the Relationship between Foreign Language Anxiety, Self-efficacy, and Achievements among High School Students in Ethnic Minority Areas















Foreign Language Anxiety, Self-efficacy, Ethnic Minority Areas, High School Students


促进英语教育的可持续发展对少数民族聚居区经济和文化发展意义重大。外语焦虑和自我效能感是第二语言习得研究中的热门话题。许多学者证实了外语焦虑和自我效能感都对英语成绩有显著影响。然而,有关少数民族聚居区高中生外语焦虑、自我效能感和成绩之间关系的研究还不足。基于 Horwitz 等人提出的外语焦虑理论和班杜拉提出的自我效能感理论,本研究采用定量研究方法探讨少数民族聚居区高中生的外语焦虑、自我效能感和成绩之间的关系。本研究旨在回答以下三个问题:(1)外语焦虑和自我效能感现状如何?(2)外语焦虑和自我效能感是否存在性别和民族差异?(3)外语焦虑、自我效能感和成绩之间关系如何?本研究共回收有效问卷 108 份,并对收集的数据描述性统计分析、独立样本 T 检验、皮尔逊相关性分析、线性回归分析以及中介效应分析。基于以上研究问题,本研究得出了如下结论:第一,少数民族聚居区高中生的外语焦虑和自我效能感处于中等水平。在外语焦虑和自我效能感的各个维度中,考试焦虑和实现英语学习目标的信心的均值最高。第二,少数民族聚居区高中生的外语焦虑和自我效能感不存在性别和民族差异。第三,外语焦虑和自我效能感都能预测成绩。具体来说,在外语焦虑的四个维度中,负评价畏惧和考试焦虑都能负向预测成绩。在自我效能感的四个维度中,完成英语学习任务能力感、实现英语学习目标的信心和面对英语学习挫折的能力感都能正向预测成绩。此外,自我效能感在外语焦虑和成绩之间起到部分中介作用。基于以上研究结果,笔者建议少数民族聚居区高中英语教师更加应关注教学过程中学生的情绪状态,引导学生积极调节情绪,并增强学生的英语学习信心。


Aida, Y. (1994). Examination of Horwitz, and Copes construct of foreign language anxiety: The case of students of Japanese. The Modern Language Journal, 78 (2), 155-168. Anam, S., & Elke, S. (2016). Language learning strategies of Indonesian primary school students: In relation to self-efficacy beliefs. System, 60, 1–10. Bandura, A. (1977). Self-efficacy: Toward a unifying theory of behavioral change. Psychological Review, 84(2), 191-215 Bandura, A. (1986). Social foundations of thought and action: A social cognitive theory. Engle wood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice–Hall. Bandura, A. (1993). Perceived self-efficacy in cognitive development and functioning. Educational Psychologist, 28(2), 117-148. Bandura, A. (1997). Self-efficacy: The exercise of control. New York: Freeman. Chen, M. C., & Lin, H. J. (2009). Self-efficacy, foreign language anxiety as predictors of academic performance among professional program students in a general English proficiency writing test. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 109(2), 420–430. Dewaele, J. M., & Dewaele, L. (2017). The dynamic interactions in foreign language classroom anxity and foreign language enjoyment of pupils aged 12 to 18: A pseudo-longitudinal investigation. Journal of the European Second Language Association, 1, 11-22. Dulay, H., & Burt, M. (1977). Remarks on creativity in language acquisition. In M. Burt, H. Dulay, & M. Finocchiaro (Eds.), Viewpoints on English as a Second Language (pp. 95-126). New York: Regents. Ellis, R. (2013). The study of second language acquisition. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Horwitz, E. K., Horwitz, M. B., & Cope, J. A. (1986). Foreign language classroom anxiety. The Modern Language Journal, 70(2), 125-132. 62 Huang, C. (2013). Gender differences in academic self-efficacy: A meta-analysis. European Journal of Psychology of Education, 28, 1-35. Krashen, S. (1981). Second language acquisition. Second Language Learning, 3(7), 19- 39. Krashen, S. (1985). The input hypothesis: Issues and implications. London: Longman Liao, H. C., & Wang, Y. H. (2018). Using comprehension strategies for students’ self- efficacy, anxiety, and proficiency in reading English as a foreign language. Social Behavior and Personality: An International Journal, 46 (3), 447–458. Liu, M., & Thondhlana, J. (2015). A study of Chinese university EFL learners’ foreign language listening anxiety, listening strategy use and listening performance. Indonesian Journal of English Language Teaching, 10 (1), 30-51. Liu, Z. H. (2018). Minority students’ characteristics of foreign language learning anxiety. Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, (289), 361-365. MacIntyre, P. & Gardner, R. (1994). The subtle effects of language anxiety on cognitive processing in the second language. Language Learning, 44(2), 283-305. Nur, M. A., & Baa, S. (2022). 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H, Liu. J, & Liu, Z. (2022). English use anxiety, motivation, self-efficacy, and their predictive effects on Chinese top university students’ English achievements. Frontiers in Psychology, 13, 1-17 Ya, P. (2020). Anxiety in oral communication of English learners from ethnic minority areas. Revista Argentina de Clínica Psicológica, 29 (1), 1058-1063. Yu, Y., & Zhou, D. (2022). Understanding Chinese EFL learners’ anxiety in second language writing for the sustainable development of writing skills. Frontiers in Psychology, 13(02), 1-17. Zimmerman, B. J., & Bandura, A. (1994). Impact of self-regulatory influences on writing course attainment. American Educational Research Journal, 31, 845–862. 蔡文伯, 杨丽雪. (2019). 少数民族大学生学业自我效能感、学习策略与学业成就 64 的关系研究. 民族教育研究, (01), 83-90. 陈思本. (2008). 理工科学生对外语课堂焦虑的感知——对一所理工类大学低水 平外语学习者的调查.西安外国语学院学报, 16(1), 67-69 陈钧. (2019). 民族山区中学生英语课堂“师源性”焦虑研究. 中国教育学刊, (S1),78-80. 陈英. (2019). 二语动机自我系统、自我效能感、语言焦虑和课堂口语参与动机行 为的关系研究. 外语学刊, (01), 63-70 崔雨, 孟亚茹. 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陆珊. 少数民族聚居区高中生外语焦虑、自我效能感和成绩的关系[D]. 西南政法大学,2024.



  • dc.title
  • 少数民族聚居区高中生外语焦虑、自我效能感和成绩的关系
  • dc.title
  • A Study of the Relationship between Foreign Language Anxiety, Self-efficacy, and Achievements among High School Students in Ethnic Minority Areas
  • dc.contributor.schoolno
  • 20210502112012
  • dc.contributor.author
  • 陆珊
  • dc.contributor.affiliation
  • 外语学院
  • dc.contributor.degree
  • 硕士
  • dc.contributor.childdegree
  • 文学硕士学位
  • dc.contributor.degreeConferringInstitution
  • 西南政法大学
  • dc.identifier.year
  • 2024
  • dc.contributor.direction
  • 英语教学理论与实践
  • dc.contributor.advisor
  • 胡敏
  • dc.contributor.advisorAffiliation
  • 外语学院
  • dc.language.iso
  • 英文
  • dc.subject
  • Foreign Language Anxiety,Self-efficacy,Ethnic Minority Areas,High School Students
  • dc.subject
  • foreign language anxiety, self-efficacy, high school students in ethnic minority areas, English achievements
  • dc.description.abstract
  • 促进英语教育的可持续发展对少数民族聚居区经济和文化发展意义重大。外语焦虑和自我效能感是第二语言习得研究中的热门话题。许多学者证实了外语焦虑和自我效能感都对英语成绩有显著影响。然而,有关少数民族聚居区高中生外语焦虑、自我效能感和成绩之间关系的研究还不足。基于 Horwitz 等人提出的外语焦虑理论和班杜拉提出的自我效能感理论,本研究采用定量研究方法探讨少数民族聚居区高中生的外语焦虑、自我效能感和成绩之间的关系。本研究旨在回答以下三个问题:(1)外语焦虑和自我效能感现状如何?(2)外语焦虑和自我效能感是否存在性别和民族差异?(3)外语焦虑、自我效能感和成绩之间关系如何?本研究共回收有效问卷 108 份,并对收集的数据描述性统计分析、独立样本 T 检验、皮尔逊相关性分析、线性回归分析以及中介效应分析。基于以上研究问题,本研究得出了如下结论:第一,少数民族聚居区高中生的外语焦虑和自我效能感处于中等水平。在外语焦虑和自我效能感的各个维度中,考试焦虑和实现英语学习目标的信心的均值最高。第二,少数民族聚居区高中生的外语焦虑和自我效能感不存在性别和民族差异。第三,外语焦虑和自我效能感都能预测成绩。具体来说,在外语焦虑的四个维度中,负评价畏惧和考试焦虑都能负向预测成绩。在自我效能感的四个维度中,完成英语学习任务能力感、实现英语学习目标的信心和面对英语学习挫折的能力感都能正向预测成绩。此外,自我效能感在外语焦虑和成绩之间起到部分中介作用。基于以上研究结果,笔者建议少数民族聚居区高中英语教师更加应关注教学过程中学生的情绪状态,引导学生积极调节情绪,并增强学生的英语学习信心。
  • dc.description.abstract
  • Promoting the sustainable development of English education positively impacts the economic and cultural development of ethnic minority areas. Foreign language anxiety (FLA) and self-efficacy are hot topics in second language acquisition. Many scholars have confirmed that both FLA and self-efficacy have a significant effect on English achievements. However,studies on the relationship between FLA, self-efficacy, and achievements among high school students in minority areas are insufficient. Based on Horwitz et al.’s theory of FLA and Bandura’s theory of self-efficacy, this study uses quantitative research methods to explore the relationship between FLA, self-efficacy, and achievements among high school students in minority areas. The following three questions are addressed: (1) What is the status quo of FLA and self-efficacy? (2) Are there gender and ethnic differences in FLA and self-efficacy? (3) What is the relationship between FLA, self-efficacy, and achievements? A total of 108 valid questionnaires were collected. Descriptive statistical analysis, independent sample T-test, Pearson correlation analysis, linear regression analysis, and mediation effect analysis were conducted to analyze the collected data. Corresponding to the research questions, this study has obtained the following findings. First, high school students in ethnic minority areas had average levels of FLA and self-efficacy.Among the dimensions of FLA and self-efficacy, test anxiety and confidence in achieving goals in English language learning had the highest mean values. Second, there were no gender and ethnic differences in FLA and self-efficacy. Third, both FLA and self-efficacy could predict achievements. In specific, among the four dimensions of FLA, fear of negative evaluation and test anxiety negatively predicted achievements. Among the four dimensions of self-efficacy, sense of ability to complete tasks, confidence in achieving goals, and sense of competence in facing frustration in English language learning positively predicted achievements. In addition, self-efficacy played a partially mediating role between FLA and achievements. Based on the findings, the author proposes that teachers in ethnic minority areas should pay more attention to students’ emotional state, guide students to regulate their emotions positively, and build students’ confidence in English learning.
  • dc.date.issued
  • 2024-06-17
  • dc.date.oralDefense
  • 2024-05-17
  • dc.relation.citedreferences
  • Aida, Y. (1994). Examination of Horwitz, and Copes construct of foreign language anxiety: The case of students of Japanese. The Modern Language Journal, 78 (2), 155-168. Anam, S., & Elke, S. (2016). Language learning strategies of Indonesian primary school students: In relation to self-efficacy beliefs. System, 60, 1–10. Bandura, A. (1977). Self-efficacy: Toward a unifying theory of behavioral change. Psychological Review, 84(2), 191-215 Bandura, A. (1986). Social foundations of thought and action: A social cognitive theory. Engle wood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice–Hall. Bandura, A. (1993). Perceived self-efficacy in cognitive development and functioning. Educational Psychologist, 28(2), 117-148. Bandura, A. (1997). Self-efficacy: The exercise of control. New York: Freeman. Chen, M. C., & Lin, H. J. (2009). Self-efficacy, foreign language anxiety as predictors of academic performance among professional program students in a general English proficiency writing test. 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