
A Study on the System of CPC Supervision Regulation













符成彦. 中国共产党党内监督法规制度体系研究[D]. 西南政法大学,2024.

  • dc.title
  • 中国共产党党内监督法规制度体系研究
  • dc.title
  • A Study on the System of CPC Supervision Regulation
  • dc.contributor.schoolno
  • B2019030101013
  • 符成彦
  • dc.contributor.affiliation
  • 马克思主义学院
  • 博士
  • dc.contributor.childdegree
  • 法学博士
  • dc.contributor.degreeConferringInstitution
  • 西南政法大学
  • dc.identifier.year
  • 2024
  • dc.contributor.direction
  • 马克思主义法律理论及党内法规建设
  • dc.contributor.advisor
  • 邓斌,周祖成
  • dc.contributor.advisorAffiliation
  • 马克思主义学院,行政法学院(纪检监察学院)
  • dc.language.iso
  • 中文
  • dc.subject
  • 自我革命;依规治党;党内监督法规;制度体系;思路举措
  • dc.subject
  • self-reform;rule-based governance over the Party;intra-Party oversight regulation;institutional system;strategies and measures
  • dc.description.abstract
  • 内容摘要全面从严治党,强化党内监督,推进党的自我革命,是保持党的先进性和纯洁性,增强党在长期执政条件下自我净化、自我完善、自我革新、自我提高能力,确保党始终成为中国特色社会主义事业的坚强领导核心的重要保障。为了加强党的建设,截至2023年6月,全党现行有效的党内法规共3802部,在促进依规治党的同时,通过党内法规建构了党内监督的制度体系。其中,《中国共产党章程》集中体现了党的性质和宗旨,规定了党的基本路线、党的思想路线、党的组织路线、党的群众路线、民主集中制原则和党的纪律,明确要求从严管党治党,强化全面从严治党主体责任和监督责任,加强对党的领导机关和党员领导干部特别是主要领导干部的监督,不断完善党内监督体系。毫无疑问,《中国共产党章程》为党内监督提供了非常明确的价值指引,对党内监督的总体目标、制度框架、制度组成作出了原则性规定,是党内监督的根本制度。《中国共产党党内监督条例》根据《中国共产党章程》明确规定了党内监督的目的、主要内容、监督对象、监督类型、监督形式、党内监督体系等,全面建构了党内监督的制度框架,是党内监督的统领制度。《中国共产党巡视工作条例》《中国共产党纪律处分条例》《中国共产党问责条例》《中国共产党组织处理规定(试行)》等,根据全面从严治党、党风廉政建设和反腐败斗争的需要,从相关方面建立详细规定规则,保证各项监督能够具有充分的操作性,是党内监督的支撑制度。由根本制度、统领制度、支撑制度三个部分构成的党内监督法规制度体系,具有层次结构清晰、功能分工合理、相互衔接协调的制度体系特征。本研究以党内法规建构的党内监督法规制度体系为依托,根据全面依法治国、从严依规治党和保持党的先进性纯洁性、不断提高党的执政能力的内在要求,分析了党内监督法规制度的理论基础和应当遵循的基本原则,党内监督法规制度发展的历史逻辑和阶段性特点,党内监督法规制度体系的结构特色、运行机理和制度效用,并结合实际对其中存在的需要进一步突破制度体系化难点堵点,需要进一步加强制度协同联动与衔接贯通和各方力量资源统筹协调,以及需要重点解决制度体系供给侧结构性改革和实践创新不足等问题进行深度剖析,从加强制度的体系性、融贯性、协调性,充分发挥制度合力强化制度效用的角度提出相应的改革发展进路。文章正文部分约20万字,除绪论及结语外,共分为以下五章:第一章聚焦党内监督法规制度体系建设的基本理论依据展开探索。从概念厘定、要素构成、价值指向三个方面对党内监督法规制度体系建设进行理论解构;从马克思主义经典作家党内监督思想、毛泽东邓小平江泽民胡锦涛关于党内监督的重要论述、习近平总书记关于依规治党的重要论述等进行梳理凝练,对党内监督法规制度体系建设进行理论溯源;从有效分析党内监督和党外监督、广义监督和狭义监督、自上而下监督和自下而上监督辩证统一关系,对党内监督法规制度体系建设几对关系进行准确把握。第二章聚焦党内监督法规制度体系历史嬗变及经验总结的梳理。从时间维度,对党内监督法规制度体系历史发展的基本轨迹进行归纳梳理,将党内监督法规制度体系建设大致分为奠基初创时期(1921—1949年)、探索前进时期(1949—1978年)、改革发展时期(1978—2012年)以及全面推进时期(2012年至今)。在此基础上尝试总结凝练出党内监督法规制度体系建设由单项制定向体系建设转变、由强调人的作用向注重法规的作用转变、由威慑导向向预防导向转变、由事后问责向过程监控转变的历史呈向,从中总结出党内监督法规制度体系建设的历史经验,即坚持党内监督与外部监督相结合、坚持紧抓“关键少数”与引领“绝大多数”相结合、坚持科学立规与严格执规相结合、坚持内容建设与形式规范相结合,以期在历史镜鉴中为新时代党内监督法规制度体系建设指明前路,为破解党内监督法规制度体系建设实践困境提供历史经验和时代智慧。第三章聚焦立规、执规、守规、督规四个方面,紧紧围绕《中国共产党党内监督条例》这个统领制度,从应然和实然两个视角对党内监督法规制度体系运行的现状进行深入实际考察。需要说明的是,党内监督法规制度体系运行的现状,指向的不是静态的制度体系,而是动态的规范运行及其效能,从中折射出制度体系的结构性和协调性问题。在凝练总结党内监督法规制度体系的运行路径和深入阐释其独特效能的基础上,强化对党内监督法规制度体系建设现实困境的考察与分析,指出当前党内监督法规制度体系建设存在立规的结构体系不完善、执规的实施效果不明显、守规的思想教育不深刻、督规的资源供给不充分等问题,并从中梳理出影响党内监督法规制度体系有效运行的主要因素,如制度体系建构、执规本领能力、守规意识、督规机制等,为破解党内监督法规制度体系建设中梗阻问题、明晰完善路径提供有益思考。第四章聚焦探索健全完善党内监督法规制度体系的基本原则。健全完善党内监督法规制度体系有助于推进国家治理体系现代化、保持党的先进性和纯洁性、实现党内法规制度体系科学化,从宏观、中观、微观三个层面明晰目标驱动。探析党内监督法规制度的主体、标准、方式和保障等四个维度明确新时代党内监督法规制度的体系构造。推动党内监督法规制度体系完善需织密制度之网与赋能增效、紧盯关键少数与重点领域、厘清主体责任与监督责任,以期从具体化、精准化和常态化探索其运行机制以指明实践进路。探索健全完善党内监督法规制度体系的基本原则,其最终目的是增强党的自我净化、自我完善、自我革新、自我提高能力的“治制”保障,确保党的自我革命始终沿着正确方向行稳致远的“治党”水平,进而加快推进中国式现代化的“治国”效果。第五章聚焦探索推动完善党内监督法规制度体系的思路举措。坚持党的指导思想,把握党内监督法规制度体系建设的基本原则,在优化方向路径方面,需坚持思想建党和制度治党紧密结合、坚持依规治党和依法治国有机统一以及处理好建章立制和落地见效相互贯通的关系。在提高建设质量方面,需解决党内监督法规制度供给侧结构性改革,加强党内监督法规制度体系内外协调衔接,健全制度规范体系、完善配套法规制定和强化法规备案审查,遵循各位阶有序展开、各领域有效统筹、各环节有机衔接的基本原则,以实现立规系统化、执规协同化、督规机制化。在提升执行效能方面,进一步健全执规责任机制、强化执行效果评估、加强纪法衔接贯通。在健全保障机制方面,以组织协调机制为核心、运行优化机制为基础、文化涵养机制为关键,构建起系统完善、科学规范、协作联动的保障机制以回应现实困境,指明方向路径,为全面从严治党,推进党的自我革命,提供坚强的制度体系保障和学术智慧支持。关键词:自我革命;依规治党;党内监督法规;制度体系;对策建议
  • dc.description.abstract
  • AbstractTo ensure the Communist Party of China (CPC) maintains its leadership core in advancing socialism with Chinese characteristics, it is imperative to exercise full and stringent governance over the Party, strengthen intra-Party oversight, and remain dedicated to self-reform. Strengthening the Party’s capacity for self-purification, improvement and reform is essential to maintain its purity and advanced nature. As of June 2023, there are a total of 3,802 effective intra-Party regulations in force throughout the Party. While ensuring self-governance in accordance with regulation, the Party has established a rule-based governance and intra-Party oversight system. Significantly, the Constitution of the Communist Party of China elucidates the Party’s nature and objectives. It delineates the Party’s basic ideological, organization and mass line, while emphasizing democratic centralism and Party’s discipline. Moreover, the Party is tasked with fully assuming principal and oversight responsibilities for the its self-oversight and governance, strengthening oversight of leading Party organs and of Party members in leadership positions, particularly those holding principal leadership roles, and continually improving the internal oversight system. Undoubtedly, the Constitution of the Communist Party of China constitutes the fundamental framework and provides clear guidance for intra-Party oversight, enshrining principled provisions on overall objectives, institutional framework, and components of intra-Party oversight. In accordance with the Constitution of the Communist Party of China, the Regulations of the Communist Party of China on Internal Oversight clearly specified the purpose, main contents, subjects, types, forms, and system of intra-Party oversight, thereby establishing a comprehensive institutional framework and serving as the primary institution for oversight. Guided by full and stringent self-governance and efforts to improve Party conduct and combat corruption, a series of regulations and principles have been introduced to ensure and support effective oversight. These include the Regulations of the Communist Party of China on Discipline Inspection, Regulations of the Communist Party of China on Disciplinary Action, Regulations of the Communist Party of China on Accountability and Regulations of the Communist Party of China on Organizational Punishment. These fundamental, leading, and supporting regulations constitutes the intra-Party oversight system, characterized by clear hierarchy, suitable functional division and coherent coordination.Based on the intra-Party oversight regulation system, this study analyzes the theoretical foundation and basic principles that should be followed in the intra-Party oversight. It also examines the historical and phased characteristics of its development, in line with the overarching principles of law-based governance, full and stringent self-governance, the pursuit of purity and advanced nature, and the enhancement of the Party’s governing capacity. Furthermore, the study explores the structural characteristics, operational mechanisms, and institutional efficacy of intra-Party oversight. It combines practical considerations to further analyze the need to overcome institutional bottlenecks and challenges in systematizing the regulatory system. The study emphasizes the necessity of strengthening coordination and integration among various forces and resources, as well as institutional mechanisms. Additionally, it delves into the requirement for an in-depth analysis of issues such as institutional supply-side structural reform and the lack of innovation in practice. From the perspective of strengthening the systemic, integrative, and coordinated nature of institutions, and fully leveraging institutional synergy to enhance efficacy, this study proposes corresponding approaches to reform and development.The main body of this study is approximately 200,000 words. Excluding the introduction and conclusion, it comprises of five chapters.Chapter One serves as the basic theoretical foundation for the construction of the intra-Party oversight regulation system. It begins by theoretically deconstructing the construction of intra-Party oversight system from three aspects: conceptual definition, constituent elements, and value orientation. It reviews and condenses thoughts on intra-Party oversight from classic Marxist writers, including Comrade Mao Zedong, Comrade Jiang Zemin, Comrade Deng Xiaoping and Comrade Hu Jintao, important discourses by former leaders of the Communist Party of China, and General Secretary Xi Jinping. This chapter traces the theoretical origins of the construction of intra-Party oversight and accurately grasps the dialectical unity of several pairs of relationships, including the effective analysis of intra-Party oversight and non-party oversight, broad oversight and narrow oversight, and top-down oversight and bottom-up oversight.Chapter Two examines the historical evolution and experiences of the intra-Party oversight regulation system. It provides a chronological summary of the historical development of this system, dividing it into four stages: the initial stage (1921-1949), the exploratory stage (1949-1978), the stage of reform and development (1978-2012), and the stage of overall promotion (2012-). This study aims to outline the historical trend of the system’s transformation, from the formulation of individual regulations to the comprehensive system construction, from emphasizing the role of individuals to the importance of regulations, from a focus on deterrence to prevention, and from post-facto accountability to process monitoring. Furthermore, it distills the historical experience of the system construction, advocating for the integration of intra-Party and non-party oversight, leveraging the critical role of leading officials as the “critical minority” alongside the people as the “largest majority”, promoting a balance between scientific regulation and strict adherence to regulations, and emphasizing both substantive content construction and formal norms. By drawing insights from these practices, this study aims to provide guidance for constructing an effective intra-Party oversight regulation system in the new era, leveraging historical lessons, and contemporary wisdom to address the practical challenges in system construction.Chapter Three delves into four key aspects: regulation creation, enforcement, adherence, and oversight. Centering around the Regulations of the Communist Party of China on Internal Oversight, this study conducts an in-depth examination of the current operational status of the intra-Party oversight regulation system, considering both normative standards and actual practices. It’s crucial to note that the “current situation” refers not to a static system but to the dynamic execution of norms and their effectiveness of institutional system, highlighting structural and coordination issues within the system. Drawing from an analysis of the system’s operational trajectory and a nuanced interpretation of its efficacy, this study enhances the investigation and analysis of practical challenges in constructing the intra-Party oversight regulation system. It identifies deficiencies in the current system, such as an imperfect regulatory framework, ineffective enforcement, superficial ideological education on compliance, and inadequate resources allocation for oversight. Additionally, it examines key factors influencing the system’s effectiveness, including institutional construction, enforcement capacity, compliance awareness, and the supervisory mechanism. This study aims to offer valuable insights for overcoming obstacles and refining the path toward constructing a robust intra-Party oversight regulation system.Chapter Four elaborates on the fundamental principles for the enhancing the intra-Party oversight regulation system. Enhancements to this system contribute to the modernization of the national governance system, the maintaining of its purity and advanced nature, the scientific system of the Party’s laws and regulations, and the development of intra-Party laws and regulations, and the maintenance of the Party’s advanced and pure nature. It clarifies the goal-oriented nature of this system across macro, medium and micro levels. This study analyzes the core components, standard, modes and safeguards of the system, outlining the structural framework of the intra-Party oversight regulation system in the new era. To advance system improvement, it advocates for strengthening the institutional framework, enhancing effectiveness through empowerment, prioritizing key areas and the “critical minority”, and defining responsibilities and supervisory duties. Through concretization, precision, and normalization, this study aims to elucidate the operational mechanisms of the system, indicating a practical path forward. Ultimately, the overarching objective of refining the system’s fundamental guidelines is to bolster the Party’s governing capacity for self-purification, improvement and reform, ensuring its purity, advancement, adherence to the right course of self-reform, and then improve its governance over country and promote Chinese path to modernization. Chapter Five outlines the strategies and measures aimed at promoting the enhancement of the intra-Party oversight regulation system from various perspectives. To optimize the direction and approach, it is essential to integrate ideological party building with institutional party governance, aligned and committed to the unity of rule-based governance within the Party and law-based governance externally, while also coordinating the establishment of regulations with their effective implementation. Regarding improving construction quality, efforts should focus on implementing supply-side structural reforms within the system, enhancing coordination between intra-Party and non-party regulations and oversight systems, refining the formulation of supporting regulations, and strengthening the filing and review processes. Guided by the principles of orderly development across all levels, effective coordination in all fields, and organic integration at all stages, the goal is to achieve regulation systematization, coordinated enforcement and institutionalized oversight. To enhance implementation efficiency, there is a need to further refine the mechanism for enforcing regulations, bolster evaluations of implementation effectiveness, and integrate the discipline and law more effectively. In terms of improving guarantee mechanisms, it is conducive to put the organizational coordination mechanism at the core and the cultural nurturing mechanism as a pivot, based on the operational optimization mechanism. Establishing a systematic, scientific, standardized, and collaborative guarantee mechanism is crucial for addressing practical challenges and providing guidance, and offering institutional support and intellectual expertise for facilitate comprehensive governance over the Party and promote Party self-reform.Key words: self-reform; rule-based governance over the Party; intra-Party oversight regulation; institutional system; strategies and measures
  • 2024-06-07
  • 2024-05-18