
Research on the Object of Proof in Criminal Litigation















谭中平. 刑事诉讼证明对象研究[D]. 西南政法大学,2023.



  • dc.title
  • 刑事诉讼证明对象研究
  • dc.title
  • Research on the Object of Proof in Criminal Litigation
  • dc.contributor.schoolno
  • B2018030106064
  • dc.contributor.author
  • 谭中平
  • dc.contributor.affiliation
  • 法学院
  • dc.contributor.degree
  • 博士
  • dc.contributor.childdegree
  • 法学博士学位
  • dc.contributor.degreeConferringInstitution
  • 西南政法大学
  • dc.identifier.year
  • 2023
  • dc.contributor.direction
  • 刑事诉讼
  • dc.contributor.advisor
  • 潘金贵,龙宗智
  • dc.contributor.advisorAffiliation
  • 法学院,法学院
  • dc.language.iso
  • 中文
  • dc.subject
  • 刑事,证明对象,类型分析,免证事实,制度完善
  • dc.subject
  • Criminal procedure; Proof object; Typological analysis; Exempted object; Improvement of system
  • dc.description.abstract
  • 刑事诉讼证明对象是刑事诉讼证明理论中的基础性问题,学界一般认为这一主题所涉问题范围较窄、理论空间较小,因此对其关注不足,导致研究深度不够;以往的研究也多集中在抽象层面的探讨,证明对象理论如何具体指导司法实践则缺乏研究。而且对什么是证明对象、如何设定证明对象、证明对象的类型范围、哪些事实不属于证明对象等问题仍存在一定争议。对一些特殊的证明对象问题,如辩护方的证明对象、刑事诉讼中财产之诉的证明对象等,缺乏研究。本文从刑事证明对象的概念界定出发,探讨了证明对象的设定机理,对证明对象进行类型化分析,明确了证明对象的一般类型和特殊类型,并从免证对象的界定进一步厘清证明对象范围,还对特殊的证明对象即辩护方证明对象和涉案财物处理证明对象重点予以讨论,最后提出刑事证明对象制度完善建议,形成内涵较深外延较广,涵盖一般与特殊、静态与动态、理论深化与制度构建的较完整体系,提出了一些新的观点,回应了学理和实践中的困惑,应具有一定的理论价值和实践意义。全文除引言外,分为六章,全文逾16万字。引言部分介绍了刑事诉讼证明对象研究的意义,国内外研究的现状,本文研究的方法,并简要说明了本文的主要创新观点。第一章为刑事诉讼证明对象概述。第一节梳理了国内学界对刑事诉讼证明对象概念定义、存在阶段、传统分类方面的理论和分歧,考察了域外有关证明对象的概念界定和立法规定,并以此提出本文对刑事诉讼证明对象的界定。认为刑事诉讼证明对象,是指刑事诉讼中公诉机关、自诉人、被告人等需要运用证据予以证明的事实。同时,对刑事证明对象与相关概念予以辨析,进一步明确刑事证明对象与证据、证据事实、犯罪构成要件事实、审判对象、案件事实等概念的区别联系。第二节提出刑事证明对象的设定机理。第一,证明对象设定应服务于证明目的。刑事诉讼证明是运用证据证明案件事实的活动,证明的目的是准确认定案件事实,进而正确适用法律。为实现证明目的,需要明确相应的证明对象,以保障证明活动目标明确、有的放矢。“有的放矢”,集中体现了证明对象设定的价值和基本要求。第二,证明对象设定取决于证明责任。证明对象主要是指承担证明责任的主体应当证明的事实。刑事诉讼中公诉方承担主要证明责任,证明对象主要指公诉方应当证明的事实;特殊情况下辩护方承担一定证明责任,应对其证明责任指向的事实进行证明、释明,由此形成辩护方基于证明责任的证明对象;辩护方基于诉讼权利,提出辩护主张所依据的事实,在必要情况下可以作为证明对象予以证明、释明,或提供证据线索。第三,证明对象设定应“以审判为中心”,促进审判的公正与效率。“以审判为中心”是证明对象设定机理的核心,也是本文贯穿的一条主线。首先,证明对象是证明主体向法庭举证证明的案件事实。证明对象是针对法庭对案件事实的正确认知而设定,即证明对象设定“以审判为中心”;证明对象的设定与保持是庭审实质化的保障及重要内容;法官应当不断厘清证据事实,保证证据调查与辩论聚焦于证明对象。其次,证明对象设定需充分考虑法官的认知能力。设定证明对象是为了帮助法官认定案件事实,如不证明作为证明对象的特定事实,法官不能获得正确认知;作为证明对象的事实与免证事实之间的界限设定,需以法官的认知能力为据。最后,证明对象合理设定并有效保持,才能实现诉讼的公正与效率。合理设定并在诉讼中始终聚焦于证明对象,才能实现诉讼的效率、才能保障诉讼公正;应当针对个案合理设定证明对象;应采取必要的措施保证证明活动围绕证明对象展开,在诉讼中聚焦并保持证明对象的相关理论,即为动态的证明对象理论。第二章为刑事证明对象的类型化分析。第一节关于刑事证明对象的一般分类。刑事诉讼中的证明对象可区分为一般证明对象与特殊证明对象。前者是刑事诉讼中控辩双方证明活动的普遍主题和共同指向;后者是某些特殊证明主题所指向的事实,如辩护方的证明对象、涉案财物处理中的证明对象、认罪认罚案件中的特殊证明对象等。就一般的证明对象,传统理论分为实体法事实和程序法事实,但这一分类不能涵盖所有需要证明的事实类型。本文认为可分为实体法事实、程序法事实及证据事实。实体法事实包括:定罪事实,即犯罪构成要件事实、追诉实效的事实等;量刑事实,含缓刑适用的事实。程序法事实包括:有关管辖、回避、延期审理、程序合法性等程序事项的事实。证据事实,既是证明的手段,又可能成为证明的对象。当证据事实存在争议时,其作为证明对象具体是指案件中有关中间待证事实的内容,关于证据关联性、真实性的事实,以及作为其他诉讼材料提交的,不为法官所熟知的法律法规、案例及其文本真实可靠的事实。证据事实,应当作为独立的证明对象类型之一。第二节关于刑事证明对象的分层及其意义。域外证据法理论将待证事实分为若干层次,以便于证据分析和案件事实构建。为有效解决我国刑事诉讼中疑难复杂案件证据分析和事实构建方法不足的问题,与前述证明对象类型三分法相适应,有必要对证明对象进行层次区分。根据证据分析和推理逻辑,可将证明对象分为最终证明对象与中间证明对象。最终证明对象是要件事实与量刑情节,中间证明对象是居于证据与最终证明对象之间的证明对象,是证据直接证明的对象(事实),如杀人案件中,被告人作了杀人准备的事实是中间证明对象,服务于最终证明对象即杀人要件事实的证明。复杂案件中,中间证明对象还可以划分层级,最接近最终证明对象的事实,可称为次终证明对象。证明对象分层理论,适应证据分析的逻辑展开,保证在动态的证明活动中始终“有的放矢”,这是该理论的价值所在。第三节依据证明方式划分证明对象类型。根据传统理论,证明方式分为严格证明与自由证明,因此可将证明对象分为严格证明的对象和自由证明的对象,并认为实体法事实属于严格证明的对象、程序法事实属于自由证明的对象。但传统理论存在不足,如关于证据合法性的事实,在我国属于严格证明的对象。在严格证明与自由证明之间还存在适当证明,适当证明是以部分限制之证据方法、简化之程序、排除合理怀疑之标准所为之证明。我国认罪认罚案件中的证明属于适当证明,其证明对象属于适当证明的对象。认罪认罚的自愿性、真实性是其中特殊的证明对象类型,其兼具实体法和程序法上的效果。第三章为刑事证明对象与免证事实。第一节系概论。界定了免证事实的基本范围,考察了部分域外国家对免证事实的规定,并论述了证明对象与免证事实之间的关系。第二节关于狭义的司法认知对象。本文首先将其界定为众所周知的事实和易于查明的事实。众所周知的事实,是指在法院辖区或更大范围内为公众所知晓,不存在争议的事实,该事实可以不经过证据调查即由法官进行确认。易于查明的事实,是指通过某种准确性不受合理质疑的资料能够准确和迅速确定的,亦不存在争议的事实。司法实践中应当注意应诉诸司法鉴定的“必要事实”与不经鉴定直接由法官判断的事实之区分。第三节关于法律法规和案例作为免证事实及证明对象问题。首先,我国国内法属于免证事实,包括宪法法律、行政法规;司法解释、指导性案例及一定地域内的参考性案例与国内法类似,也属于免证事实。外国法、国际法不属于免证事实,应作为证明对象对待。对于地方法规、行政规章及其他规范性文件,如果不为法官所熟知,则可以作为证明对象。第二,对于指导性案例和参考性案例以外的案例、类案及其检索报告,可以作为诉讼材料提交,则相应可以作为证明对象。对需要证明的法律法规、案例,证明的目的是确认其内容及其真实性或同一性。第三,对于预决事实,即生效的判决、仲裁裁决等所确定的事实。在一般情况下,刑事预决事实属于免证事实,刑事预决事实对民事事实认定具有较强的免证效力,但刑事预决事实不能作为刑事案件认定该事实的唯一根据。刑事预决事实同样属于可推翻的事实。在有证据证明刑事预决事实不正确的情况下,刑事预决事实亦属于证明对象。第四节关于证明对象与推定事实。刑事诉讼中的推定应当是法律推定,应以法律和司法解释为据,依法进行事实推定是认定刑事案件事实的辅助方法。法律推定的基础事实需举证证明,属于证明对象;推定的事实则由法律确认,因此属于免证对象。推定具有严格的条件,应当准确把握。第四章刑事辩护方的证明对象。第一节关于辩护方证明对象设定的依据和意义。刑事证明对象的设定,主要针对承担证明责任的控诉一方,因此长期以来并未提出辩护方证明对象理论。设定辩护方证明对象的意义,一是因为辩护方证明对象相对于公诉方证明对象的独特性;二是基于诉讼实践中辩护方时常忽略或偏离证明对象的现实。所谓独特性,主要表现在两个方面:一是证明对象性质的特殊性。公诉方总体上倾向于证明其有罪指控的事实,而辩护方的证明对象则是证明无罪或罪轻的事实。二是证明对象的来源不同。公诉方的证明对象来源于证明责任,但辩护方证明对象基于特殊情况下的证明责任,同时基于行使辩护权从事辩护性证明活动,也需要设定其证明对象。所谓基于诉讼现实,则是指在辩护实践中,有的辩护人忽略其证明责任而不注意其证明对象,或者忽略基于辩护权而作有效的事实辩护需要明确证明对象,有的放矢地举证质证。刑事诉讼实践中,经常出现偏离证明对象作无效事实辩护的情况。第二节基于证明责任设定的辩护方证明对象。所谓“责任型”辩护方证明对象,是基于辩护方的证明责任而产生。刑事案件的证明责任由公诉方承担,但在法律规定的特殊情况下,证明责任由辩护方承担。在案件事实推定成立的情况下,证明责任转移到辩护方承担,因此,如欲反驳推定事实,辩护方应当承担一定的证明责任,即合理说明并在可能的情况下举证证明的责任,这种推定事实,即辩护方承担证明责任的证明对象。应当注意推定制度中,辩护方证明对象是推定事实,即在基础事实证明的情况下,根据法律规定和经验法则所认定的事实,但基础事实不是辩护方证明对象,基础事实须由控方证明,且需证明到证据确实充分的程度。第三节基于行使辩护权设定的辩护方证明对象。“权利型”辩护方证明对象是辩护方基于其辩护权提出无罪或罪轻的事实主张,如“不在犯罪现场”、“具有自首情节”,当该事实主张需要证明且辩方有条件证明包括释明时,所产生的证明对象。辩护方可以根据案件实际情况提出各类事实主张,可以细分为两类:主动行使辩护权而设定的证明对象、被动行使辩护权而设定的证明对象。二者虽然都是基于辩护权设定的证明对象,但所处的情势不同,对被告人的权利影响也不同,后者容易与“权利型”辩护方证明对象相混淆。第五章为涉案财物处理中的证明对象。刑事涉案财物处理中的证明对象,指刑事诉讼中围绕涉案财物处理,需要运用证据予以证明的事实,简称涉财证明对象。第一节分析涉财证明对象设定的依据和价值。长期以来,刑事诉讼重人轻财,即重视对刑事被告人的定罪与量刑,却忽略对涉案财产的处置。证明活动较少围绕涉财问题展开,忽略涉财证明对象。虽然司法解释已将涉案财物处理事实与定罪量刑事实并列为需要查明的案件事实,但在涉财问题上控方证明责任不明确,证明对象不清晰,以致大量的涉案财物没有得到妥善处理。为了挽回国家、社会和刑事被害人的损失,实施必要的财产性处罚,防止被告人从违法犯罪中获取非法财产利益,同时维护涉案财物权利人的合法利益,刑事诉讼应当完善财产之诉,包括在明确控方证明责任的基础上,明确财产之诉的证明对象,要求法官针对此种证明对象进行事实审查。第二节论涉财证明对象的主要类型。涉财证明对象主要分为:罪财关系事实、涉案财物及其权属、被告人其他可执行财产状况、涉案财物处理的程序事实等。具体而言,一是关于罪财关系的事实。指涉案财物与犯罪行为的关系,如财产系犯罪所得,或系犯罪所得财产的孳息。其中,财产孳息与犯罪行为的因果关系及其应没收范围,是证明活动中的难点,存在一定争议。其二,有关财物及其权属的事实,包括财物本身的情况,如财物种类、数量、价值,财物的权属情况,包括财物的表面权属及实际权属。其中也包括有关在案其他财物状况及权属的事实,有些财物虽与犯罪行为无直接关联,原不属于涉案财物,但因被扣押、冻结等财产强制措施而在案,如果可能作为没收财产及罚金刑适用对象,或作为替代性追赃对象,这些财物的状况及权属应作为证明对象。其三,被告人其他可执行财产状况。其四,有关涉案财物处理的程序事实,通常包括涉案的各种财物被查封、扣押、冻结的程序事实、有关特殊涉案财物先行处置的事实等。此外,在缺席审判和特别没收程序中,除上述涉财证明对象外,犯罪行为事实也属于证明对象。第六章为刑事证明对象的制度完善。第一节论证明对象制度运行现状及完善之必要。我国刑事司法实践中,设定证明对象不准确,诉讼文书对证明对象的记述不清晰,证明对象设定的法律效力不明确,控辩双方不能聚焦证明对象展开证明活动等问题较为突出,其根本原因在于缺乏体系化的证明对象制度。为有效解决实践中的问题,需要对我国证明对象制度予以完善。第二节论证明对象制度运行实践的改善。首先,深入考察域外有关证明对象制度的实践。在德、日刑事诉讼中,待证事实作为一个重要的概念,贯穿于审理前准备程序和证据调查程序,提起公诉、争点整理、证据调查始终围绕证明对象展开,相关的操作方法和程序规则值得借鉴。其次,在制度比较的基础上提出我国制度实践改善的建议。第一,要明确证明对象具体化的方法,通过争点整理,保障控辩双方始终聚焦证明对象展开证明活动;第二,要围绕证明对象增强控辩对抗,保障控辩双方合力推动、准确有效设定证明对象;第三,当控辩双方偏离证明对象时,法官应当运用释明权,确保证明活动始终聚焦于证明对象,确保证明活动有的放矢。第三节论证明对象制度的规则完善。首先,关于证明对象一般规定的完善。在刑事诉讼法及其司法解释中,进一步明确证明对象概念、范围,增加免证事实的规定,对法规与案例作为证明对象的情形予以明确。其次,关于特殊证明对象规定的完善,如涉案财物处置中应当明确证明对象的类型和范围。
  • dc.description.abstract
  • The object of proof in criminal proceedings is a basic issue in the theory of proof in criminal proceedings. Academic circles generally hold that the scope of issues involved is narrow and small in theoretical space, resulting in insufficient attention and superficial studies. Previous research has mostly focused on abstract level discussions, and there is a lack of research on how the object theory can specifically guide judicial practice. Disputes about what is the object of proof, how to set it, its type and scope, and which facts are not included linger. There is a lack of research on some special issues regarding the object of proof, such as the object of proof for the defense and the object of proof for property lawsuits in criminal proceedings. This paper, from the conceptual definition of criminal proof objects, explores the setting mechanism of proof objects, conducts a typological analysis of proof objects, clarifies the general types and special types of proof objects, and further clarifies the scope of proof objects from the definition of exempt objects, and discusses the special objects of proof, namely the objects of proof of the defense and that of the handling of property involved in the case. Finally, suggestions are put forward to improve the system of criminal proof objects and improve operations, forming a relatively complete system with deeper connotations and wider extensions, covering general and special, static and dynamic, theoretical deepening and system construction. Some new viewpoints are listed and respond to academic theories. and confusion in practice, it should have certain theoretical value and practical significance.In addition to the introduction, six chapters of over 160,000 words are written.Introduction section introduces the significance of the research on the object of criminal proof, the current state of research at home and abroad, the research methods in this article, and briefly explains the main innovative ideas in this article.Chapter I is an overview of the objects of proof in criminal proceedings. Section I sorts out the theories and disagreements in domestic academic circles on the conceptual definition, existence stage, and traditional classification of objects of proof in criminal proceedings, examines the conceptual definitions and legislative provisions of relevant objects of proof in foreign countries, and thereby proposes this article’s analysis of the objects of proof in criminal proceedings. define. It is believed that the object of proof in criminal proceedings refers to the facts that the public prosecution agency, private prosecutors, defendants, etc. need to use evidence to prove in criminal proceedings. At the same time, the criminal proof objects and related concepts are differentiated and analyzed, and the differences and connections between the criminal proof objects and concepts such as evidence, evidence facts, crime constituent facts, trial objects, case facts and other concepts are further clarified. Section II proposes the setting mechanism of criminal proof objects. First, the setting of the proof object should serve the purpose of proof. Proof in criminal proceedings is an activity that uses evidence to prove the facts of a case. The purpose of proof is to accurately identify the facts of the case and then apply the law correctly. In order to achieve the purpose of certification, it is necessary to clarify the corresponding certification objects to ensure that the certification activities are clear and targeted. "Targeted" embodies the value and basic requirements of setting proof objects. Second, the setting of the proof object depends on the burden of proof. The object of proof mainly refers to the facts that the subject who bears the burden of proof should prove. In criminal proceedings, the prosecutor bears the main burden of proof, and the objects of proof mainly refer to the facts that the prosecutor should prove; under special circumstances, the defense bears a certain burden of proof and should prove and explain the facts to which its burden of proof points. This forms the defense's basis. The object of proof for the burden of proof; based on the litigation rights, the facts on which the defense claims are based can be used as the object of proof to prove, explain, or provide evidence clues if necessary. Third, the setting of the proof object should be "trial-centered" to promote the fairness and efficiency of the trial. "Trial-centered" is the core of the proof object setting mechanism and is also the main thread running through this article. First, the object of proof is the facts of the case that the subject of proof provides evidence to the court. The object of proof is set based on the court's correct understanding of the facts of the case, that is, the setting of the object of proof is "trial-centered"; the setting and maintenance of the object of proof are the guarantee and important content of the substantive trial; the judge should constantly clarify the evidence Facts ensure that evidence investigation and debate focus on the object of proof. Secondly, the setting of the proof object must fully consider the judge’s cognitive ability. Setting the object of proof is to help the judge determine the facts of the case. If the specific facts as the object of proof are not proved, the judge will not be able to obtain a correct understanding. The boundary between the facts as the object of proof and the exempted facts must be set based on the judge’s recognition. Finally, only by proving that the objects are reasonably set and maintained effectively can the fairness and efficiency of the litigation be achieved. Only by reasonably setting and always focusing on the object of proof during litigation can the efficiency of litigation be achieved and the fairness of litigation be ensured. The object of proof should be reasonably set for each case; necessary measures should be taken to ensure that the proving activities revolve around the object of proof, and the theory related to the object of proof should be focused and maintained in litigation, which is the dynamic theory of the object of proof.Chapter II is a typological analysis of criminal proof objects. Section 1 is about the general classification of criminal proof objects. The objects of proof in criminal proceedings can be divided into general objects of proof and special objects of proof. The former is the common theme and common direction of the proving activities of both the prosecution and the defense in criminal proceedings; the latter is the facts pointed to by certain special proving themes, such as the defense’s proving objects, the proving objects in the handling of property involved in the case, and the proving objects in guilty plea and punishment cases. As for the general objects of proof, traditional theories are divided into substantive legal facts and procedural legal facts, but this classification cannot cover all types of facts that need to be proved. This paper divides it into substantive law facts, procedural law facts and evidence facts. Substantive legal facts include: conviction facts, that is, facts constituting the crime, facts regarding the effectiveness of prosecution, etc.; sentencing facts, including facts applicable to probation. Procedural law facts include: facts regarding jurisdiction, avoidance, postponement of trial, procedural legality and other procedural matters. Evidence facts are not only the means of proof, but also may become the object of proof. When evidence and facts are in dispute, the objects of proof specifically refer to the content of the intermediate facts to be proved in the case, the facts about the relevance and authenticity of the evidence, and the laws and regulations submitted as other litigation materials that are not familiar to the judge, the case and its text are true and reliable facts. Evidence facts should be regarded as one of the independent types of proof objects. Section II is about the stratification of criminal proof objects and their significance. The theory of extraterritorial evidence law divides the facts to be proved into several levels to facilitate evidence analysis and construction of case facts. In order to effectively solve the problem of insufficient evidence analysis and fact construction methods in difficult and complex cases in China's criminal proceedings, it is necessary to differentiate hierarchically the objects of proof in line with the aforementioned three-part rule of types of proof objects. According to evidence analysis and reasoning logic, it can be divided into final proof objects and intermediate proof objects. The final object of proof is the essential facts and sentencing circumstances. The intermediate object of proof is the object of proof between the evidence and the final object of proof. It is the object (fact) directly proved by the evidence. For example, in a homicide case, the fact that the defendant prepared to kill is an intermediate object of proof and serves to prove the final object of proof, that is, the essential facts of the murder. In complex cases, intermediate proof objects can also be divided into hierarchies, and the facts closest to the final proof object can be called sub-final proof objects. The stratified theory of proof objects adapts to the logical development of evidence analysis and ensures that it is always "targeted" in dynamic proof activities. This is the value of this theory. Section III divides the types of proof objects based on proof methods. According to traditional theory, proof methods are divided into strict proof and free proof. Therefore, the proof objects can be divided into strict proof objects and free proof objects. It is believed that substantive law facts are the objects of strict proof and procedural law facts are the objects of free proof. . However, there are shortcomings in the traditional theory. For example, facts about the legality of evidence are the objects of strict proof in China. There is also appropriate proof between strict proof and free proof. Proper proof is proof based on partially restricted evidence methods, simplified procedures, and standards beyond reasonable doubt. The proof in cases of guilty plea and punishment in China is appropriate proof, and the object of the proof is the object of appropriate proof. The voluntariness and authenticity of confession and punishment are special types of proof objects, which have both substantive and procedural law effects.Chapter III is about the criminal proof objects and evidence-free facts. The first section is an introduction. It defines the basic scope of exempted facts, examines the provisions of some foreign countries on exempted facts, and discusses the relationship between the object of certification and the exempted facts. Section III is about judicial cognitive objects in a narrow sense. This paper first defines it as a well-known fact and an easy-to-ascertain fact. Well-known facts refer to facts that are known to the public within the jurisdiction of the court or within a larger area and are not in dispute. Such facts can be confirmed by a judge without investigation of evidence. Easily ascertainable facts refer to facts that can be determined accurately and quickly through information whose accuracy cannot be reasonably questioned, and that are not disputed. In judicial practice, attention should be paid to the distinction between "necessary facts" that should be resorted to judicial appraisal and facts directly judged by judges without appraisal. Section III deals with the issue of laws, regulations and cases as exempt facts and objects of proof. First of all, China’s domestic laws are exempt facts, including constitutional laws and administrative regulations; judicial interpretations, guiding cases and reference cases in certain regions are similar to domestic laws and are also exempt facts. Foreign law and international law are not exempt facts and should be treated as objects of proof. For local regulations, administrative regulations and other normative documents, if they are not known to the judge, they can be used as objects of certification. Second, cases other than guiding cases and reference cases, similar cases and their search reports can be submitted as litigation materials, and accordingly can be used as objects of certification. For laws, regulations and cases that require certification, the purpose of certification is to confirm their content and their authenticity or identity. hird, for pre-judgment facts, that is, the facts determined by effective judgments, arbitration awards, etc. Under normal circumstances, criminal pre-decision facts are exempt from evidence, and they have a strong evidence-free effect on the determination of civil facts, but criminal pre-decision facts cannot be used as the only basis for determining the facts in criminal cases. Criminal prejudgment facts are also rebuttable facts. When there is evidence to prove that the criminal pre-determination facts are incorrect, the criminal pre-determination facts are also subject to proof. Section IV is about the objects of proof and presumptions. Presumptions in criminal proceedings should be legal presumptions and should be based on laws and judicial interpretations. Making factual presumptions in accordance with the law is an auxiliary method for determining the facts of criminal cases. The basic facts of legal presumptions need to be proved by proof and are subject to proof; the presumptive facts are confirmed by law and therefore are subject to exemption from proof. The presumption has strict conditions and should be accurately grasped.Chapter IV covers objects of proof for the defense in criminal proceedings. Section I is about the basis and significance of the defense object’s proof. The setting of criminal proof objects mainly targets the prosecution party that bears the burden of proof. Therefore, the theory of the defense party’s object of proof has not been proposed for a long time. The significance of setting the object of proof for the defense is, firstly, because of the uniqueness of the object of proof for the defense compared to the object of proof for the prosecution; secondly, it is based on the fact that in litigation practice, the defense often ignores or deviates from the object of proof. The so-called uniqueness mainly manifests itself in two aspects: First, it proves the particularity of the nature of the object. The prosecution generally tends to prove the facts of its guilt charge, while the defense aims to prove the facts that prove innocence or misdemeanor. The second is to prove that the sources of the objects are different. The prosecutor's proof object comes from the burden of proof, but the defense party's proof object is based on the burden of proof under special circumstances. At the same time, it is based on the exercise of the defense right to engage in defensive proof activities, and it also needs to set its proof object. The so-called "based on litigation reality" means that in defense practice, some defenders ignore their burden of proof and do not pay attention to the object of their proof, or they ignore that effective factual defense based on the right of defense requires a clear object of proof and provide evidence and cross-examination in a targeted manner. In the practice of criminal litigation, it often happens that the person deviates from the object of proof and makes invalid factual defense. Section II is about the “responsible” defense party’s proof objects. The so-called "responsibility-type" defense object of proof is based on the defense burden of proof. The burden of proof in criminal cases rests with the prosecutor, but in special circumstances stipulated by law, the burden of proof falls with the defense. When the presumption of facts in the case is established, the burden of proof is transferred to the defense. Therefore, if it wants to refute the presumption, the defense should bear a certain burden of proof, that is, the burden of explaining reasonably and providing evidence if possible. This kind of Presumptive facts, that is, the objects of proof for which the defense bears the burden of proof. It should be noted that in the presumption system, the defense object of proof is presumptive facts, that is, the facts determined according to legal provisions and rules of thumb when the basic facts are proved. However, the basic facts are not the defense object of proof, and the basic facts must be proved by the prosecution, and it needs to be proved to the extent that the evidence is indeed sufficient. Section III is about the object of proof of the “rights-based” defense. The object of this kind of proof is the factual claim of innocence or minor crime made by the defense based on its right to defend, such as "alibi" or "there are circumstances of surrender". When the factual claim needs to be proved and the defense has conditional proof including explanation, the proof object arises. The defense can make various factual claims based on the actual circumstances of the case, which can be subdivided into two categories: the objects of proof set by actively exercising the right to defend, and the objects of proof set by passively exercising the right of defense. Although both are proof objects based on the right of defense, they are in different situations and have different impacts on the rights of the defendant.Chapter V is the object of proof in the handling of property involved in the case. The object of proof in the handling of property involved in criminal cases is the object of proof in property lawsuits. It refers to the facts surrounding the handling of property involved in a criminal proceeding that need to be proven by evidence, referred to as the object of proof involving property. Section I analyzes the basis and value of setting up financial-related certification objects. For a long time, criminal proceedings have focused on people over property, that is, focusing on the conviction and sentencing of criminal defendants, but neglecting the disposal of the property involved in the case. Proof activities rarely revolve around financial-related issues and ignore financial-related certification objects. Although the judicial interpretation has listed the facts of the handling of property involved in the case and the facts of conviction and sentencing as case facts that need to be ascertained, the prosecution's burden of proof and the object of proof are unclear on property-related issues, resulting in a large amount of property involved not being properly handled. To recover the losses to the country, society and criminal victims, implement necessary property penalties, prevent defendants from obtaining illegal property benefits from illegal crimes, and at the same time safeguard the legitimate interests of property rights holders involved in the case. Criminal proceedings should improve property lawsuits, including clarifying the proof objects of property lawsuits on the basis of clarifying the prosecution's burden of proof, and requiring judges to conduct fact review on such objects of proof. Section II discusses the main types of financial-related certification objects. The objects of proof involving property are mainly divided into: the facts of the relationship between crime and property, the properties involved and their ownership, the status of other executable properties of the defendant, the procedural facts of the handling of the property involved, etc. Specifically, the first is the fact about the crime-finance relationship, referring to the relationship between the property involved in the case and the criminal act, such as the property being the proceeds of crime or the interest from property obtained from crime. Among them, the causal relationship between property interest and criminal acts and the scope of confiscation are difficult points in proving activities and there is some controversy. Second, the facts about the property and its ownership include the situation of the property itself, such as the type, quantity, and value of the property, and the ownership of the property, including the apparent ownership and actual ownership of the property. Regarding the status and ownership of other properties on file, some properties, although not directly related to the crime and were not originally involved in the case, are on the record due to property compulsory measures such as seizure and freezing. If possible, they may be treated as confiscated property. and the objects to which fines are applicable, or as alternative objects for recovering stolen property, the status and ownership of these properties should be the object of proof. Third,,the defendant's other enforceable property status. Fourth, the procedural facts related to the disposal of the property involved in the case usually include the procedural facts that the various properties involved in the case were sealed, detained, and frozen, and the facts related to the prior disposal of the special property involved in the case, etc. In addition, in absentia trials and special confiscation proceedings, in addition to the above-mentioned financial-related proof objects, the facts of criminal acts also belong to the objects of proof.Chapter VI is to prove the system improvement and practical improvement of the object. The first section discusses the general status of the operation of the proof object system and the necessity of system improvement. In the practice of criminal justice in China, problems such as inaccurate setting of the object of proof, unclear description of the object of proof in litigation documents, unclear legal effect of the setting of the object of proof, and the inability of the prosecution and defense to focus on the object of proof to carry out proof activities are more prominent. The reason lies in the lack of a systematic proof object system. To effectively solve problems in practice, China's certification object system needs to be improved. Section II discusses the improvement of the operation practice of the proof object system. First, let’s conduct an in-depth investigation of the practice of the relevant certification object system outside the territory. In criminal proceedings in Germany and Japan, facts to be proved are an important concept that runs through the pre-trial preparation procedures and evidence investigation procedures. The filing of a public prosecution, the sorting out of disputes, and the investigation of evidence always focus on the object of proof, and the relevant operating methods and procedural rules are worth learning from. Secondly, on the basis of system comparison, suggestions for improving the practice of China's system are put forward. First, it is necessary to clarify the method of specifying the object of proof and organize the dispute points to ensure that both the prosecution and the defense always focus on the object of proof to carry out proof activities; second, it is necessary to strengthen the prosecution and defense confrontation around the object of proof to ensure that the prosecution and defense work together to promote and accurately and effectively design determine the object of proof; thirdly, when the prosecution and defense deviate from the object of proof, the judge should use the power of interpretation to ensure that the proving activities always focus on the object of proof and that the proving activities are targeted. Section III discusses the perfection of the rules of the proof object system. First, regarding the improvement of the general provisions on the objects of proof. In the Criminal Procedure Law and its judicial interpretations, the concept and scope of the objects of proof are further clarified, provisions for exempting facts are added, and the circumstances under which regulations and cases are the objects of proof are clarified. Secondly, regarding the improvement of the provisions on special proof objects, for example, the type and scope of the proof objects should be clearly defined in the disposal of property involved in the case.
  • dc.date.issued
  • 2023-12-25
  • dc.date.oralDefense
  • 2023-11-18