
Research on the Expert Assisted Criminal Investigation System













程军伟. 专家辅助侦查制度研究[D]. 西南政法大学,2023.

  • dc.title
  • 专家辅助侦查制度研究
  • dc.title
  • Research on the Expert Assisted Criminal Investigation System
  • dc.contributor.schoolno
  • B20190301Z3115
  • dc.contributor.author
  • 程军伟
  • dc.contributor.affiliation
  • 刑事侦查学院
  • dc.contributor.degree
  • 博士
  • dc.contributor.childdegree
  • 法学博士
  • dc.contributor.degreeConferringInstitution
  • 西南政法大学
  • dc.identifier.year
  • 2023
  • dc.contributor.direction
  • 侦查学基础理论
  • dc.contributor.advisor
  • 马方
  • dc.contributor.advisorAffiliation
  • 刑事侦查学院
  • dc.language.iso
  • 中文
  • dc.subject
  • 专家;专家辅助;侦查;见证;标准化
  • dc.subject
  • expert;expert-assisted;criminal investigation;witness;standardization
  • dc.description.abstract
  • 随着新时代的到来,大数据、云计算、物联网、区块链和人工智能等新技术在不断涌现,侦查学研究领域悄然出现“技术治理主义”倾向。依靠技术,崇尚技术,甚至盲从技术,在侦查学研究领域及侦查实务工作中随处可见。诉讼中涉及到的专门性技术问题也在不断增多,专家辅助侦查工作已成为常态。基于此,结合现有“散在性”专家辅助侦查制度现状,通过历史演变规律的总结及域外经验的借鉴,建构系统性专家辅助侦查制度体系便显得非常必要且有价值。全文除去引言及结语,正文部分由五章组成。第一章是关于专家辅助侦查制度一般性问题。本章内容主要包括专家本体论、专家辅助侦查的功能、专家辅助侦查的基本原则、专家辅助侦查的基础理论和专家辅助侦查制度的静态结构。专家本体论主要涉及专家的概念、类别、资格和责任等内容,鉴于全文研究对象及研究范畴的特定性,将专家限定为立法中“有专门知识的人”,但并不包括法学领域“具有专门知识的人”,主要是考虑到法官、检察官、侦查人员和律师等本身就是具有法学专门知识的人,是诉讼活动的直接参与者和推动者,若将此类具有专门知识的人纳入专家范畴,会与法官、检察官、侦查人员和律师等出现冲突;关于专家的类别,依据我国现有立法专家主要包括勘验检查类、鉴定类、翻译类、技术咨询调查类和质证类五种类型;关于专家的资格,主要应从基本资质和所涉专业领域两个方面进行全面评估与要求;关于专家的责任,从法律层面主要包括成刑事责任、民事责任和行政责任三种情形。专家辅助侦查的功能主要包括证据收集、证据生成及证据审查三个方面。专家辅助侦查的基本原则主要有合法性原则、客观性原则、公正性原则和独立性原则等四项。专家辅助侦查的基础理论主要包括诉诸权威理论、程序正义理论、公正效益理论、权力制约理论和人权保障理论等。专家辅助侦查制度的静态结构,是指刑事诉讼立法关于专家辅助侦查的制度性规定,主要包括专家辅助勘验检查的制度性规定、辅助鉴定的制度性规定、辅助翻译的制度性规定和辅助其他侦查工作的制度性规定等内容。第二章是关于我国专家辅助侦查制度巡历。本章内容主要从我国古代、近代和新中国时期三个阶段对专家辅助侦查制度进行了历史考证。古代专家辅助侦查制度,在秦汉时期,专家辅助勘验检查和专家辅助鉴定已经进入实操,但并未形成关于专家辅助勘验检查和鉴定的相关制度;在唐宋时期,专家辅助侦查工作开始有了检验标准,相关立法开始以入罪的方式警戒参与办案的专家,专家责任制度和标准化制度雏形开始出现;元明清时期,专家辅助侦查制度依然聚焦于法医勘验检查和鉴定领域,检验鉴定文书有了统一的规范格式,专家的培训教育、标准的统一等受到高度重视,专家辅助勘验检查和鉴定之责任追究制度正式确立。近代专家辅助侦查制度,在清末变法修律时期,创历史的有了专门的侦查机构及程序法典,专家辅助侦查法律制度初步形成;在民国时期,专家辅助勘验、鉴定和“通译”已真正走向法制化,与现代专家辅助侦查制度已相当接近。新中国时期专家辅助侦查制度,在1949年至1978年时期,专家辅助勘验检查、鉴定和翻译已通过诉讼立法被制度化;在1979年至今这一时期,专家辅助勘验检查、鉴定和翻译作为侦查制度的重要内容已通过立法被确立并逐渐走向成熟,但随着新型犯罪的不断涌现,逐渐走向成熟的专家辅助侦查制度亦应做出丰富与调整。第三章是关于专家辅助侦查制度域外考察。本章内容主要通过对大陆法系主要国家和英美法系主要国家的制度考察,提出了值得借鉴的重要启示。在专家资格方面,大陆法系国家要求非常严格,且赋予专家独立的诉讼地位;英美法系国家则无原则性要求,因专家被视为证人,所以也具有独立的诉讼地位。在专家责任方面,大陆法系国家和英美法系国家在立法或相关诉讼规则中均明确规定了专家的责任。在专家辅助侦查程序方面,大陆法系国家普遍采用职权主义,由司法官决定是否需要专家参与侦查辅助工作,专家的选任应在具备资格的范围内进行,专家在辅助侦查工作时应当进行宣誓,辅助侦查工作应在侦查主体的主持下进行,赋予诉讼当事人在侦查阶段可以就专家意见进行质证的权利;英美法系国家普遍采用当事人主义,由当事人决定是否需要专家参与侦查辅助工作,专家的选任并不完全受制于资格条件,专家作为证人应当进行宣誓,专家辅助侦查工作并不受制于侦查主体,警察或检察官无需参与或主持专家辅助侦查行为。在专家辅助侦查法律效果方面,应当借鉴域外国家将专家辅助行为的决定权赋予给法定的机关或部门,并明确规定专家的资格条件,在具备条件的人中选任专家,不仅法律效果能得到保障,而且社会效果也将大大提升。第四章是关于我国专家辅助侦查制度运行样态及分析。由于我国立法关于专家辅助技术咨询和专家辅助质证多体现在民事诉讼领域,而在侦查阶段则鲜有提及或并未广泛普及,因此本章主要就专家辅助勘验检查、专家辅助鉴定和专家辅助翻译三个领域的制度运行样态及成因进行了分析。在专家辅助勘验检查方面,该制度主要表现出专家辅助勘验检查率低、专家辅助勘验检查自由裁量权过大、专家辅助勘验检查法律内涵认知错误、专家辅助勘验检查见证及主持缺失和专家辅助勘验检查标准不健全等基本样态,并分别对样态成因进行了分析。在专家辅助鉴定方面,该制度主要表现出专家辅助鉴定“侦鉴混同”现象严重、指派或聘请专家辅助鉴定具有随意性、专家辅助鉴定活动缺乏侦查人员在场主持和专家辅助鉴定标准不统一等基本样态,并分别对样态成因进行了分析。在专家辅助翻译方面,该制度主要表现出专家辅助翻译的专业性不足、专家辅助翻译的责任性不强、专家辅助翻译的中立性存疑和专家辅助翻译监督缺失等基本样态,并分别对样态成因进行了分析。第五章是关于我国专家辅助侦查制度体系的建构。本章内容是全文的核心,主要通过专家辅助侦查制度公正性的实现,导出制度体系建构的具体内容。由于专家辅助侦查的公正性主要体现在专家辅助侦查的程序正义和实体公正两个方面,因此专家辅助侦查制度体系的设计自然应由程序性制度和实体性制度两方面组成。程序性制度主要包括专家选任制度、专家辅助侦查见证制度、专家辅助侦查质证制度,实体性制度主要包括专家辅助侦查负责制度、专家辅助侦查标准化制度和专家辅助侦查效果保障制度。专家选任制度,主要通过完善专家辅助侦查启动程序立法、组建专家库和规范专家选任程序等路径予以实现。专家辅助侦查见证制度,主要通过完善专家辅助侦查见证立法、确立专家型见证人制度和遴选专家型见证人等路径予以实现。专家辅助侦查质证制度,主要通过完善专家辅助侦查质证立法、赋予诉讼当事人应有的质证权利和设计合理的专家辅助侦查质证程序等路径予以实现。专家辅助侦查负责制度,主要通过加强专家辅助侦查责任立法、明确责任主体及各自权利义务和厘清责任类型及责任后果分担等路径予以实现。专家辅助侦查标准化制度,主要通过设计合理的专家辅助侦查标准化制度体系、制定全国统一的专家辅助侦查技术标准或操作规程和加强对标准制定和实施的管理等路径予以实现。专家辅助侦查效果保障制度,作为制度体系的重要组成部分发挥着补强和兜底的作用,主要通过完善现有立法、赋予专家意见应有的证据地位、建构全国统一的专家管理体制、加强对专家的教育培训、加大经费投入和强化后勤保障服务等路径予以实现。
  • dc.description.abstract
  • With the advent of the new era, new technologies such as big data, cloud computing, the Internet of Things, blockchain and artificial intelligence continue to emerge, and the trend of "technological governance" quietly appears in the field of criminal investigation science. Relying on technology, advocating technology and even blindly following technology can be seen everywhere in the field of criminal investigation and practice. The specialized technical problems involved in litigation are also increasing, and the expert assisted criminal investigation work has become the norm. Based on this, combined with the current situation of the "scattered" expert assisted criminal investigation system, it is very necessary and valuable to construct a systematic expert assisted criminal investigation system by summarizing the law of historical evolution and drawing lessons from foreign experience. Apart from the introduction and conclusion, the text is composed of five chapters.The first chapter is about the general problems of the expert assisted criminal investigation system. This chapter mainly includes the ontology of expert, the function of expert assisted criminal investigation, the basic principle of expert assisted criminal investigation, the basic theory of expert assisted criminal investigation and the static structure of expert assisted criminal investigation system. The ontology of experts mainly involves the concept, category, qualification and responsibility of experts. In view of the specificity of the object and scope of the study, experts are limited to "people with specialized knowledge" in legislation, but not "people with specialized knowledge" in the realm of jurisprudence, mainly in view of the judges, prosecutors, investigators and lawyers, etc. itself is a person with expertise in jurisprudence, is a direct participant in the litigation activities and promoters, if such people with specialized knowledge into the category of experts, will be in conflict with the judges, prosecutors, investigators and lawyers, etc. As for the categories of experts, according to the existing legislation of our country, the experts mainly include five types: inspection, identification, translation, technical consultation and investigation, and cross-examination. As for the qualification of experts, it should be comprehensively evaluated and required from two aspects: basic qualification and professional field involved. As for the responsibility of experts, from the legal level, it mainly includes criminal liability, civil liability and administrative liability. The function of expert assisted criminal investigation mainly includes three aspects: evidence collection, evidence generation and evidence review. There are four basic principles of expert assisted criminal investigation: legality principle, objectivity principle, impartiality principle and independence principle. The basic theories of expert assisted criminal investigation mainly include the theory of appeal to authority, the theory of procedural justice, the theory of impartiality and benefit, the theory of power restriction and the theory of human rights protection. The static structure of the expert assisted criminal investigation system refers to the institutional provisions on expert assisted criminal investigation in criminal procedure legislation, including the institutional provisions on expert assisted criminal investigation, the institutional provisions on expert assisted identification, the institutional provisions on translation and the institutional provisions on other investigative work.The second chapter is about the expert assisted criminal investigation system in our country. The content of this chapter mainly consists of a historical analysis of the expert assisted investigation system across China's ancient, modern, and new China periods. In the Qin and Han dynasties, expert assisted inspection and expert assisted appraisal had been put into practice, but there was no relevant system about expert assisted inspection and appraisal. In the Tang and Song dynasties, the expert assisted criminal investigation work began to have inspection standards, the relevant legislation began to criminalize the experts involved in the criminal investigation, the expert responsibility system and standardized system began to emerge. In the Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties, the expert assisted criminal investigation system still focused on the field of forensic examination and identification, and the inspection and identification documents had a unified standardized format, the training and education of experts and the unification of standards were highly valued, and the responsibility criminal investigation system of expert assisted inspection and identification was formally established. In the period of law reform and law revision at the end of The Qing Dynasty, there was a special criminal investigation organization and procedural code, and the legal system of expert assisted criminal investigation was initially formed. In the period of the Republic of China, the expert assisted criminal investigation, appraisal and "interpretation" have really moved towards the rule of law, and are quite close to the modern expert assisted criminal investigation system. In the New China period, the expert assisted criminal investigation system, from 1949 to 1978, the expert assisted criminal investigation, identification and translation have been institutionalized through litigation legislation; During the period from 1979 to now, expert assisted criminal investigation, identification and translation, as important content of the criminal investigation system, have been established through legislation and are gradually becoming mature. However, with the continuous emergence of new crimes, the gradually maturing expert assisted criminal investigation system should also be enriched and adjusted.The third chapter is about the extraterritorial examination of the expert assisted investigation system. The content of this chapter mainly through the criminal investigation of the main civil law system countries and common law system countries, put forward the important inspiration worth learning. In the aspect of expert qualification, civil law countries have very strict requirements and give experts independent litigation status. In common law countries, there is no principal requirement, because experts are regarded as witnesses, so they also have independent litigation status. In terms of expert liability, both civil law countries and common law countries clearly stipulate the responsibility of experts in legislation or relevant litigation rules. In terms of the procedure of expert assisted criminal investigation, civil law countries generally adopt authoritarianism, and judges decide whether experts are needed to participate in the auxiliary criminal investigation work. The selection and appointment of experts should be carried out within the scope of qualifications, the experts should take an oath during the auxiliary criminal investigation work, and the auxiliary criminal investigation work should be carried out under the auspices of the criminal investigation subject. Giving litigants the right to cross-examine expert opinions at the criminal investigation stage; Common law countries generally adopt the doctrine of parties, and the parties decide whether experts are needed to participate in the auxiliary criminal investigation work. The selection and appointment of experts is not completely subject to the qualification conditions, and the experts should take an oath as witnesses. The auxiliary criminal investigation work of experts is not subject to the criminal investigation subject, and the police or prosecutors need not participate in or preside over the auxiliary criminal investigation of experts. In terms of the legal effect of expert assisted criminal investigation, we should learn from foreign countries to give the decision-making power of expert assisted behavior to statutory organs or departments, and clearly specify the qualification conditions of experts, and select experts from those who have the conditions, not only the legal effect can be guaranteed, but also the social effect will be greatly improved.The fourth chapter is about the operation pattern and analysis of the expert assisted criminal investigation system in our country. Since China's legislation on expert assisted technical consultation and expert assisted cross-examination is mostly reflected in the field of civil litigation, but rarely mentioned or not widely popularized in the criminal investigation stage, this chapter mainly analyzes the system operation patterns and causes in the three fields of expert assisted criminal investigation, expert assisted identification and expert assisted translation. In the aspect of expert assisted inspection, the system mainly shows the basic patterns such as the low rate of expert assisted inspection, the excessive discretion of expert assisted inspection, the cognitive error of the legal connotation of expert assisted inspection, the lack of witness and presiding officer of expert assisted inspection and the imperfect standard of expert assisted inspection, and the causes of such patterns are analyzed. In the aspect of expert assisted identification, the system mainly shows the serious phenomenon of "confusion between investigation and identification", the arbitrariness of assigning or hiring expert assisted identification, the lack of detective presence to preside and the non-uniform standards of expert assisted identification, and analyzes the causes of such patterns. In the aspect of expert assisted translation, the system mainly shows the basic patterns such as the lack of professionalism of expert assisted translation, the weak responsibility of expert assisted translation, the doubtful neutrality of expert assisted translation and the lack of supervision of expert assisted translation, and the causes of these patterns are analyzed respectively.The fifth chapter is about the construction of our country's expert assisted criminal investigation system. The content of this chapter is the core of the full text, mainly through the realization of the fairness of the expert assisted criminal investigation system, derived the specific content of the system construction. Since the fairness of expert assisted criminal investigation is mainly embodied in procedural justice and entity justice, the design of expert assisted criminal investigation system should consist of procedural system and substantive system. The procedural system mainly includes the expert selection system, the expert assisted criminal investigation witness system, the expert assisted criminal investigation cross-examination system, and the substantive system mainly includes the expert assisted criminal investigation responsibility system, the expert assisted criminal investigation standardization system and the expert assisted criminal investigation effect guarantee system. The system of selecting and appointing experts is mainly realized through perfecting the legislation of the initiation procedure of the expert assisted criminal investigation, establishing the expert database and standardizing the procedure of selecting and appointing experts. The expert assisted criminal investigation witness system is mainly realized through perfecting the legislation of expert assisted criminal investigation witness, establishing expert-witness system and selecting expert-witness. The system of expert assisted criminal investigation cross-examination is mainly realized through perfecting the legislation of expert assisted criminal investigation cross-examination, entrusting the litigants with due right of cross-examination and designing reasonable procedures of expert assisted criminal investigation cross-examination. The responsibility system of expert assisted criminal investigation is mainly realized through strengthening the legislation of expert assisted criminal investigation responsibility, clarifying the subject of responsibility and their rights and obligations, clarifying the type of responsibility and the sharing of responsibility consequences. The standardization system of expert assisted criminal investigation is mainly realized by designing a reasonable standardization system of expert assisted criminal investigation, formulating a national unified technical standard or operating procedure of expert assisted criminal investigation, and strengthening the management of standard formulation and implementation. As an important part of the system, the guarantee system of the effectiveness of expert assisted criminal investigation plays a reinforcing and back-up role, which is mainly realized by improving the existing legislation, giving the expert opinions due status of evidence, constructing a unified national expert management system, strengthening the education and training of experts, increasing the input of funds and strengthening the logistics support service.
  • dc.date.issued
  • 2023-11-23
  • dc.date.oralDefense
  • 2023-11-17