
Institutional environment and entrepreneurship: A research on its mechanism, effect and policy





陈怡安 ;赵雪苹










CSCD; CSSCI; 中国科技核心期刊




陈怡安;赵雪苹. 制度环境与企业家精神:机制、效应及政策研究[J]. 科研管理,2019(05):90-100.



  • dc.title
  • 制度环境与企业家精神:机制、效应及政策研究
  • dc.contributor.author
  • 陈怡安;赵雪苹
  • dc.contributor.author
  • Chen Yian;Zhao Xueping;School of Economics, Southwest University of Political Science and Law
  • dc.contributor.affiliation
  • 西南政法大学经济学院;
  • dc.contributor.corresponding
  • 陈怡安;
  • dc.publisher
  • 科研管理
  • dc.publisher
  • Science Research Management
  • dc.identifier.year
  • 2019
  • dc.identifier.issue
  • 05
  • dc.identifier.volume
  • v.40;No.283
  • dc.identifier.page
  • 90-100
  • dc.date.issued
  • 2019-05-20
  • dc.language.iso
  • 中文
  • dc.subject
  • 企业家精神;制度环境;影响机制
  • dc.subject
  • entrepreneurial spirit;institutional environment;impact mechanism
  • dc.description.abstract
  • 市场经济的活力在于企业家精神的发挥,而企业家精神的激发要依靠制度环境的完善。利用2011-2015年中国省级面板数据,本文实证了制度环境对创新、创业两类企业家精神的影响效应,发现制度环境对创新企业家精神的影响程度大于对创业企业家精神的影响。政府管制与法治水平较大地影响了企业家精神的发挥,而金融发展和地区腐败对其影响较弱。本文进一步发现法治和金融对企业家精神的交互作用为正,而金融与政府管制对企业家精神的交互作用为负。在控制内生性问题后,结果具有较强的稳健性。本文的结论表明,为了引领经济高质量增长,当下应为企业家营造良好的制度环境。
  • dc.description.abstract
  • The entrepreneurship depends on the internal institutional structure of the enterprise and the external institutional environment of the enterprise. But in China, there are still some problems in this area. For example, the basic legal system is imperfect, in some disputes of property rights cases; China's crackdown on infringements is not strong enough, so that the property and rights of entrepreneurs are not well protected. At the same time, bank lending has certain discrimination against private enterprises to a certain extent, and financing constraints have become the main obstacles on their development path(He Ren, Liu Bingyong, 2012), broken the confidence of entrepreneurs to start a business. In addition, the government's dominance of the economy directly affects the entire process of corporate activities, and is also prone to corruption and other issues.In this context, one natural question arises: does the institutional environment in China have an impact on the entrepreneurship? To answer this question, we will investigate the empirical relationship between institutional environment and entrepreneurship across China's provinces during the period 2011–2015. We also want to uncover mechanisms involved running from mis-allocation of institutional environment to entrepreneurship.Based on the panel data of China's provincial level in 2011-2015, this paper will comprehensively analyze the influence of institutional environment on entrepreneurship from four aspects: rule of law level, financial development, government regulation and regional corruption.(1) We find that the institutional environment has a significant impact on entrepreneurial innovation and entrepreneurship. Among them, the rule of law and financial development have an coefficient of 0.86 and 0.57 for entrepreneurship, and the government control has an coefficient of-1.05 for entrepreneurship. Regional corruption plays a "lubricating" effect in the development of entrepreneurship. After controlling for endogenous problems, the results are more robust.(2) We find that the four indicators that measure the institutional environment have a stronger explanatory power for entrepreneurial innovation.(3) When considering the interaction between variables, the interaction between the level of the rule of law and financial development is positively related to entrepreneurship; the coefficient of interaction between government regulation and finance is negative. This shows that in the process of studying the role of the institution in the entrepreneurship, we must consider the relationship between various factors within the institutional environment.(4) Economic growth has an incentive effect on the promotion of entrepreneurship, and the level of education has a negative impact on it. In the case of considering endogeneity, the effect of opening up to the outside world and FDI on entrepreneurship is not significant.The conclusion of this paper shows that in order to lead the economic growth with high quality, we should create a good institutional environment for entrepreneurs.Our paper contributes to the existing literature in three different ways: First, this paper measures the institutional environment from the four perspectives: The rules of law, finance, government, and corruption, and studies its macro impact on entrepreneurship. Previous studies have generally focused on a single point of viewin law or finance, so this article enriches the literature to some extent. At the same time, this article uses entrepreneurial innovation and entrepreneurship as indicators to measure entrepreneurship, and enhances the robustness of the results.Secondly, this paper examines the interaction between finance and the rule of law and the interaction between government and finance, and describes the mechanism of influence within the institutional environment, which provides adirection for future research.The research provides empirical evidence on the relationship between institutional environment and entrepreneurship in the process of China's economic transition from high-speed growth to high-quality growth. The conclusions show that the institutional environment is an important factor driving the development of entrepreneurship.Our results have significant implications. Forpolicymakers,strengthen the building of a socialist rule of law system with Chinese characteristics, and formulate and implement a "good law and good policy" that will help the development of private enterprises. Different rules and regulations are needed within the enterprise to constrain the behavior of managers and employees. At the same time, in order to innovate and develop of the enterprise, it is necessary to gradually improve the system of property rights protection, effectively protect various forms of ownership economy according to law, and thus enhance the incentives for enterprises to innovate and start businesses. For researchers who studythe allocation of human capital, the message of the paper is that it is possible to adopt a method of establishing small commercial banks that can provide financial services, and fundamentally eliminate discrimination against private and private enterprises, in view of the existing obstacles such as financing loans to private enterprises.It also combines finance and the rule of law to promote financial development through the rule of law. Accelerate the pace of building a government under the rule of law. When the government introduces relevant policies, it must proceed from the level of the rule of law. Only reasonable intervention in the market will make the market economy become the leading force to lead the high-quality growth of the economy, and also create a good external institutional environment for entrepreneurship.It is important to admit two limitations to our study. First, the indicators for measuring entrepreneurship in this paper are not perfect. In recent years, the state has paid more attention to entrepreneurs. There are more and more standards for testing whether it is a good entrepreneur. Many of the connotations of entrepreneurship are not well quantified. Second, this paper only examines the mechanism of the influence of institutions on entrepreneurship from a macro perspective, and does not consider it from the micro perspective. And it is not accurate enough to choose indicators that measure government regulation.
  • dc.description.sponsorship
  • 国家自然科学基金项目:“中国海外人才回流的国际知识溢出效应研究:理论与实证”(71503217,2016.01-2019.01); 中国博士后面上科学基金:“中国海归回流的知识溢出效应研究:基于金融发展的视角”(2016M590857,2016.06-2019.06); 中国博士后特别资助科学基金:“制度环境如何影响中国海归回流的国际知识溢出效应(2017T100673,2017.06-2019.06); 重庆市哲学社会科学规划课题:“金融发展视角下重庆海外高层次人才回流的国际知识溢出效应研究”(2016YBJJ020,2016.11-2019.11); 西南政法大学十九大专项科研项目:“法治对海归企业家精神空间溢出效应的影响研究:机制、经验证据与公共政策”(2017XZZXQN-44,2018.01-2019.12)
  • dc.description.sponsorshipsource
  • 国家自然科学基金
  • dc.identifier.CN
  • 11-1567/G3
  • dc.identifier.issn
  • 1000-2995
  • dc.identifier.if
  • 2.077
  • dc.subject.discipline
  • F272.91