
Research on Civil Appeal Interest























黄宣. 民事上诉利益研究[D]. 西南政法大学,2015.



  • dc.title
  • 民事上诉利益研究
  • dc.title
  • Research on Civil Appeal Interest
  • dc.contributor.author
  • 黄宣
  • dc.contributor.degree
  • 博士
  • dc.contributor.degreeConferringInstitution
  • 西南政法大学
  • dc.identifier.year
  • 2015
  • dc.contributor.advisor
  • 廖中洪
  • dc.language.iso
  • 中文
  • dc.subject
  • 民事上诉利益;;上诉许可;;审级利益;;上诉程序;;程序保障
  • dc.subject
  • civil appeal interest;;leave to appeal;;trial level interest;;appeal procedure;;procedural guarantee
  • dc.description.abstract
  • 从比较法视角观察,大陆法系国家和地区民事诉讼适用的上诉利益额度和上诉许可,英美法系国家民事诉讼适用的上诉许可构成了民事上诉利益的完整内容,民事上诉利益是民事上诉程序的基础。进入新世纪后,我国社会主义市场经济法治建设繁荣发展,民事主体之间的纠纷大量出现,纠纷主体选择民事诉讼方式解决纠纷的实践活动的拓展使民事诉讼案件逐年增加,法院民事审判负担愈加明显,审判效果与社会主义法治、人民群众的现实需求之间的矛盾正在不断增大;具体到我国现行民事上诉程序适用方面,由于我国民事诉讼法在上诉条件规定上存在着过于宽泛和不具有实质操作性等不足,在实践中出现了以下系列难题:一审当事人无论胜诉与败诉均可以享有上诉权为理由提起上诉以启动二审程序,导致诉讼拖延、上诉投机、恶意上诉等引发司法资源浪费的现象。我国现行民事上诉程序设计缺陷的关键在于民事上诉利益的立法缺位。通观立法、理论与司法实践经验,在民事上诉程序中,支撑着民事上诉案件发生(当事人提出民事上诉)和上诉案件审理程序的关键要素是民事上诉利益,民事上诉利益是一审诉讼利益在上诉审程序中的继续存在形式,是当事人进行民事上诉之诉讼行为目的要求,是上诉条件中的实质要件,是上诉审法院审判的对象。因此,探究民事上诉利益对于拓展我国民事诉讼基础理论研究内容、完善民事上诉程序立法、规制民事上诉的诉讼与审判实践活动十分必要与重要。笔者以“民事上诉利益研究”为民事诉讼法博士学位论文选题,遵循学术研究路径的一般范式,按厘清民事上诉利益基本范畴、民事上诉利益的构成、民事上诉利益的发生机理、民事上诉利益的程序保障等主题分章次进行诉讼法理论证,以揭示民事上诉利益的基本法理内容及其在现代各国民事上诉程序立法设计中的重要性与必要性;在此基础上,对我国民事上诉利益进行实践考察与问题分析,进而提出与论证了以民事上诉利益程序保障为中心优化民事上诉程序规则的若干具体建议,全文共计16万余字。第一章民事上诉利益的基本范畴。“民事上诉利益”应为“裁判不利益说”,即民事上诉利益是当事人对初审裁判主文给自己权益带来的不利益而请求上诉审法院予以改判的诉讼利益需求。民事上诉利益属于上诉的一项实质性要件,属于上诉的合法要件。民事上诉利益具有主观性与客观性、私益性与公益性、限定性与许可性、法律性与道德性的特征。作为社会实践活动的一个客观存在,民事上诉利益彰显着基于初审诉讼利益没有得到裁判全部满足而出现裁判内容不利益而产生、通过上诉程序予以实现的独立性与阶段性的“运动”属性;同时,由于民事审判不同程序之间存在的相互联系,民事上诉利益与利益、诉讼利益、上诉权、审级利益和民事上诉程序等概念发生相互关系。第二章民事上诉利益的构成。民事上诉利益由主体、客体和上诉利益客观存在等要素构成,从比较法的视角分析,各国立法对民事上诉利益构成的主体范围、客体范围、客观存在的形式与期限等民事上诉利益构成要求的规定呈现不尽相同的内容,其原因在于平衡当事人诉讼权利保护、审判公正与效率与各国民事司法传统、立法经验等存在差异。在分析上诉利益判断标准不同学说基础上,提出了民事上诉利益之有无应当采取应从程序层面加以判断的“形式不服说”;按照不同的标准进行分类,对于界定民事上诉利益构成具有立法、理论与司法实践的多重价值。第三章民事上诉利益的发生机理。当事人上诉行为是其在初审裁判中享有上诉利益所进行积极主张的结果,民事上诉利益产生具有以下机理:由于凸显法官审判职权性的初审裁判主文往往难以让双方当事人满意,而且由于民事诉讼案件事实认定、法律适用、法官职业素养、当事人诉讼能力等多方面原因等存在导致初审裁判会出现错判的可能性与必然性,因此,无论从当事人对自己合法利益主观认知的诉求角度还是国家司法制度保障审判公正与法律适用统一性的角度,民事上诉利益都是一种客观存在而不能忽略的“事实”。另一方面,当事人对上诉利益的之现实主张,常常会导致民事诉讼程序周期延长与司法成本的增加,因此,各国民事诉讼立法均采取了比第一审起诉更为严格的上诉条件的限制;其中,对上诉利益的限制具体为限制上诉的裁判范围、推行和解与法院调解结案、拓展初审中的adr的途径、规定上诉利益的额度底限、确定上诉许可规则、征收上诉案件受理费、对上诉拖延与恶意上诉予以惩戒等措施。民事上诉利益只有在当事人向法院提出主张时才会作为上诉审理的对象;当事人单方作出不上诉的意思表示、当事人之间达成不上诉协议、超过上诉期限不上诉、提出上诉后又撤回上诉,均属于民事上诉利益撤回的情形。第四章民事上诉利益的程序保障。就诉讼哲理而言,民事上诉制度就是上诉利益程序保障制度,国家立法与司法重视民事上诉利益程序保障具有保护当事人合法权益和程序权利、实现法律适用统一性、程序正义等法治价值。从比较法和诉讼立法发展的视角看,民事上诉利益程序保障的立法维度要受制于民事诉讼结构、审级制度、司法传统、民事上诉实践现状等客观存在的制约。上诉利益程序保障包括对民事上诉利益的管辖、审理范围、审理方式等主要内容。在法治效果宏观层面,民事上诉利益程序保障与民事诉讼立法完善存在辩证关系,民事诉讼立法完善推动着包括民事上诉利益程序保障在内的程序规则的严密、规范与科学,从而使整个民事审判机制契合法治与社会实践的要求。第五章我国民事上诉利益的实践考察。通过分析司法数据、典型个案和上诉结案方式之效果对我国民事上诉利益发生及其程序保障的现实状态进行了实证,探究了我国民事上诉利益发生与程序保障实践状态问题的多重原因。一方面,我国两审终审下民事上诉利益发生与程序保障难的原因主要有:立法上过于强调国家干预而限制了当事人意思自治;在执法上容易形成不利于当事人民事上诉利益实现的执法环境,出现法院行政化、地方化以及法官非司法职业化的审判环境,当事人民事上诉利益的实践效果不理想,不利于法律适用的统一。另一方面,诉讼案件管理制度的非科学化、民事再审程序启动的常态化是导致民事上诉利益程序保障难的其他原因。第六章我国民事上诉利益程序保障的优化。优化民事上诉利益程序保障是完善我国民事诉讼立法的一项重要内容,以民事上诉利益程序保障为中心完善我国民事上诉程序具有必要性与现实性,完善我国民事上诉程序应当遵循确立民事上诉利益以尊重程序利益原则、确认上诉利益的程序保障原则、确认民事上诉利益以保障程序公正原则的原则。作者提出了我国民事上诉利益程序保障的优化分成两个波次进行的设想:第一波次是以民事上诉利益为基础完善现行民事上诉程序,将上诉利益规定为民事上诉条件的实质条件,完善上诉程序规则、创制禁止不利变更、附带上诉制度等上诉程序新规则;第二波次是以民事上诉利益为基础,在三审终审模式重构我国民事上诉程序。本文创新点主要在于:第一,论文建立了民事上诉利益的基本法理体系,系统分析论证了民事上诉利益的基本范畴、民事上诉利益的构成、民事上诉利益发生机理与民事上诉利益程序保障等内容。第二,论文对我国民事审判实践中事实上存在的民事上诉利益发生及其程序保障出现的问题与原因进行了系统的实证分析。第三,在总结与借鉴已有学术成果的基础上,论文系统论证了我国民事诉讼立法应当明确民事上诉利益为上诉的实质条件。第四,论文提出了优化我国民事上诉利益程序保障应当分成两个波次进行的具体设想。
  • dc.description.abstract
  • From the perspective of comparative law, the appeal interest quota and the leave to appeal applicable in civil law countries and the leave to appeal applicable in civil litigations in Anglo-American law countries constitute the entire contents of civil appeal interest. Civil appeal interest is the basis of appeal procedures. The civil appeal interest plays a significant role in guaranteeing the sound functioning of appeal procedures, protecting the legitimate rights and interests of parties to an action, and improving the civil appeal procedures during judicial system reforming processes of all countries. After entry into the new century, China has achieved prosperity in the development of legal construction in socialist market economy. However, civil disputes between civil subjects have also appeared in large numbers and the subjects to disputes appeal increasingly to civil actions to settle their disputes. Such practice has caused increased civil cases year by year, and the burdens on the civil trials of courts have become increasingly evident. The contradiction between the effects of trials results and the actual needs of socialist rule of law and the public continues to increase. Specifically, in terms of the application of the existing civil appeal procedure in China, since the Civil Procedure Law of China provides appealing conditions which are too broad and do not have substantive operability and other shortcomings, a series of problems have appeared in practice: a party, prevailing or losing, in the first instance may appeal on the ground of the right of appeal to start the second trial, leading to wasting of judicial resources due to delays in actions, appeal speculations, malicious appeals and such others. An important design defect in China's existing civil appeal procedure is the absence of civil appeal interest. Based on the legislative, theoretic and judicial practice experience, a key factor that supports the formation(a party lodges a civil appeal) and the trial procedure of a civil appeal case during a civil appeal procedure is the civil appeal interest, which is the form of a first-instance action interest that continues to exist in an appeal trial procedure, the purpose and requirement of the party who lodges the appeal, the substantive requirement of the appealing condition, the object under the trial of a court of appeal, and also the cause of the starting, advancing until end of an appeal procedure. Therefore, a study on civil appeal interest is necessary and important for improving the legislation in the civil appeal procedure and regulating the action and judgment practice of civil appeals in China.The author presents this doctoral dissertation in civil procedure law under the title of "Study on Civil Appeal Interest" and studies and clarifies the legal principles of action and comparative law by sectioning the dissertation into several subjects such as the basic scope, composition, formation mechanism, and procedural guarantee of civil appeal interest to reveal the importance of civil appeal interest in the design of civil appeal procedures. On this basis, the author carries out practice investigation and problem analysis for the formation and procedural guarantee of civil appeal interest in China and further demonstrates specific suggestions on improving civil appeal procedures with the procedural guarantee of civil appeal interest as the center. This dissertation comes in six chapters and includes over 160,000 Chinese characters.Chapter I Basic Scope of Civil Appeal Interest: The "civil appeal interest" should be a "doctrine on unfavorable judgment". In other words, the civil appeal interest is an action interest demand of a party to request a court of appeal to alter a first-instance judgment which is unfavorable to the party's interest. The civil appeal interest is a substantive and legal requirement for lodging an appeal. The civil appeal interest has the characteristics of subjectivity and objectivity, private interest and public interest, restrictive and permissive natures. As an objective reality, the civil appeal interest, which is affiliated to the appeal procedure, has the independence and stage properties. Meanwhile, due to the presence of mutual relationship between different procedures of civil trials, the civil appeal interest has mutual relationship with several concepts such as interest, action interest, right of appeal, trial level interest and civil appeal procedure.Chapter II Composition of Civil Appeal Interest: The civil appeal interest is composed of subject, object, objective reality of appeal interest and other elements. From the perspective of comparative law, there are similarities and differences for legislation in different countries in terms of the elements of the civil appeal interest such as the subject scope, object scope, form and duration of objective reality. The cause lies in the efforts to balance the protection of parties' rights of action, trial justice, efficiency and others. On the basis of different doctrines on the criteria of whether an appeal interest exists, it is proposed that the "doctrine on pro forma refusal to accept" for determination of whether a civil appeal interest exists at the procedure level should be adopted. Classification based on different criteria has multiple values in legislative, theoretic and judicial practice for defining the civil appeal interest.Chapter III Formation Mechanism of Civil Appeal Interest: Why does a party need to appeal? A party's appealing behavior is the result of the party actively claiming the appeal interest entitled to him in his first-instance judgment. The formation mechanism of civil appeal interest is as follows: A first-instance judgment result that highlights the trial power of a judge is often unsatisfactory to both parties to an action and there is possibility and certainty that errors exist in a first-instance judgment for many reasons such as the finding of facts, application of law, a judge's professionalism, and the litigation capability of parties to an action. Therefore, the civil appeal interest is an objectively existing and non-ignorable "fact" from the perspective of parties seeking their own legitimate interests based on their subjective perceptions and the national judicial system guaranteeing fair trials and uniform applications of law. On the other hand, a party's claim of his appeal interest often results in a prolonged period of civil procedure and increased judicial cost. Therefore, civil action legislations in countries have adopted more stringent restrictions on appealing conditions than those on lodging of an action in the first instance. The restrictions on the appeal interest are outstanding, which specifically include restrictions on the scope of judgment for appeal cases, implementation of reconciliation and court mediation for case settlement, expansion of ADR approaches in the first instance, specification of the bottom line of appeal interest quota, determination of the rules for leave to appeal, collection of court acceptance fees for appeal cases, imposition of penalty on appeal delays and malicious appeals and such other measures. The civil appeal interest is tried in a court only when a party lodges such claim to the court. A party's failure to declare his intention to lodge an appeal on his own part, conclusion of an agreement between parties on not lodging an appeal, failure to appeal within the time limit of appeal, and withdrawal of a lodged appeal are circumstances of withdrawal of civil appeal interest.Chapter IV Procedural Guarantee of Civil Appeal Interest: In terms of litigation philosophy, the civil appeal system is a procedural guarantee system for appeal interest. The legislative and judicial organs of a state attach importance to the procedural guarantee of civil appeal interest having the rule-of-law values such as protecting the parties' legitimate rights and interests and procedural rights and achieving uniform application of law and procedural justice. From the perspective of comparative law and litigation system legislation development, the legislative dimension of the procedural guarantee of civil appeal interest is restricted by the civil action structure, trial level system, judicial tradition, current status of civil appeal practice and such other objective realities. The procedural guarantee of civil appeal interest includes trial organization, scope and method of trial and other main contents. In terms of the macro effects of the rule of law, the procedural guarantee of civil appeal interest has a dialectical relationship with the civil legislation improvement. The civil legislation improvement promotes the strictness, standardization and scientificity of procedural rules including the procedural guarantee of civil appeal interest so that the entire civil trial mechanism fit the rule of law and social practice requirements.Chapter V Investigation into Practice of Formation and Procedural Guarantee of Civil Appeal Interest in China: By analysis of judicial data, typical cases and effects of case settlement methods, a demonstration has been performed for the current status of the formation and procedural guarantee of civil appeal interest in China to explore the multiple causes of the practice status problems of the formation and procedural guarantee of civil appeal interest. On the one hand, the reasons why it is difficult for the formation and procedural guarantee of civil appeal interest under the two-tier trial system in China include: overwhelming emphasis is laid on state intervention in legislation, limiting relevant parties' autonomy of will; the law enforcement is likely to create an environment unfavorable to realization of parties' civil appeal interest and a trial environment with administerization and localization of courts as well as non-judicial professionalism of judges may appear; the practice effects of parties exercising their rights of civil appeal is not ideal; the environment is not conducive to uniform application of law and others. On the other hand, the litigation case management system is not scientific and civil retrial procedures are used in a normalized manner, which are among the other reasons for the difficulty to implement the procedural guarantee of civil appeal interest.Chapter VI Optimizationt of Procedural Guarantee of Civil Appeal Interest in China: Improvement of the procedural guarantee of civil appeal interest is an important content of the improvement of the civil procedure legislation in China. It is of necessity and real significance to use the procedural guarantee of civil appeal interest as the center to improve civil appeal procedures. Civil appeal procedures should be improved according three principles: establishing civil appeal interest to respect the procedural interest, confirming the procedural guarantee of appeal interest, and confirming the civil appeal interest to guarantee procedural justice. The author proposes an idea of improving the procedural guarantee of civil appeal interest in China in two stages: In the first stage, the civil appeal procedure should be improved on the basis of civil appeal interest to include the appeal interest in the substantive conditions for civil appeals, the civil procedure rules should be improved and new appeal rules should created such as rules against adverse changes, rules of incidental appeal. In the second stage, the civil appeal procedure should be restructured in a three-tier trial mode based on the civil appeal interest.There are four main innovative points in this dissertation: First, it strengthens the basic theory of civil appeal interest, and systematically analyzes and demonstrates the basic theoretic contents of the civil appeal interest such as its basic scope, composition, formation mechanism, and procedural guarantee. Second, it provides centralized and comprehensive empirical analysis of the formation and procedural guarantee of civil appeal interest actually existing in the civil trial practice in China. Third, based on existing academic achievements, it further demonstrates that the civil procedure legislation should specify the civil appeal interest as a substantive condition of appeal. Fourth, the author proposes an ideal of improving the procedural guarantee of civil appeal interest in China in two stages.
  • dc.subject.discipline
  • D925.1
  • dc.date.issued
  • 2015-09-28